UPDATE: R/Evolution 5ive: ReMixed and ReVisited (1/25/06; 3/17/06-3/19/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Christian Dare

Deadline extended:


R/Évolution 5ive: ReMixed and ReVisited
An Interdisciplinary Conference
Hosted by the Ph.D. Humanities Program: Interdisciplinary Studies in Society
and Culture
March 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2006 at Concordia University

Academics, graduate students, artists and activists from all disciplines are
invited to submit proposals exploring "R/Évolution," with particular focus
on issues stemming from its intersections with the intentionally broad
themes of "remixed" and "revisited".

The goal of the fifth annual R/Évolution conference is, as in previous
years, to integrate theoretical, methodological, and "practical" approaches
to the broad theme of "revolution/evolution" via the presentation and
discussion of innovative papers, performances, and artwork from around the
world. This year, we are seeking proposals that link this multifarious,
oft-controversial, and timely theme to the notions of "remixing" and
"revisiting" Although 'pop culture' most obviously employs and utilizes
these terms, we ask that presenters feel free to explore the notions of
remixing and revisiting as a nexus of emerging and intersecting
possibilities for the academy.

To this end, R/Évolution 5ive seeks to address the last century and to
create space and possibility for continued praxis and critique of  "gender,"
"race," "sex/sexualities," "dis/abilities," "class." "ideologies,"
"politics," and "change."  What do "revolution" and "evolution" mean in a
contemporary context dominated by the ideas that nothing is ever really new
(remixed) and nothing really changes (revisiting)? What are (or have been)
the vectors of and for "political" change under these circumstances?  How
could remixed and revisited be used and/or mobilized, and under what
conditions, by artists and activists both inside and outside of the Academy?

As always, we hope to create a space in which these questions, and others,
can be asked of ideology, language, and discourse, and where dialogue on the
past, present, and future can thrive.

Presentations may address (but are certainly not limited to):
continuity/discontinuity authority science, technology
humanism/posthumanism activism, movement/s anti/globalization
bodies class      privilege
pleasure/s cityscapes nationalisms
space/s generation/s visual/aural culture
in/visibility identity/identity politics subjectivity
individuals/collectives utopia/s post/modernity
work gender                 displacement
spectacle/s feminism/s, postfeminism/s alternatives
institutionalism borders and margins performance/performativity
race spirituality morals, ethics
voice "queer" subcultures/counterculture
"the canon" pedagogy text
difference/s representation sex/sexualities
materiality mis/communication transgression
"the mainstream" pop/art post/colonialism
tactical resistance rupture/s colonialism/post-colonialism

Presentation Formats: Papers, critical essays, poster/multi-media
presentations, panels, round-tables, creative writing, short films, and
performance art.  Non-traditional presentation formats are welcome!

Selected papers from the conference will be collected and published as a
special issue of GR: Journal for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology

Applicants should submit a title and an abstract of not more than 250 words
to "R/Évolution 5ive":

Mailing Address: E-mail: revolutionfive_at_hotmail.com
Humanities Doctoral Program E-mail submissions encouraged.
School of Graduate Studies and Research,
Concordia University
2135 Mackay Street, M-302 MONTRÉAL
Quebec H3G 2J2

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 25, 2006.  Abstracts/presentations will be
accepted in both English and French.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Jan 16 2006 - 14:39:28 EST
