CFP: Actually Existing Colonialisms (7/15/06; journal issue)

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"Actually Existing Colonialisms" – Special Issue, Journal of Contemporary
Thought (Baroda, India). Guest Editor, Gaurav Desai, Tulane University.

Papers are invited on the topic of "Actually Existing Colonialisms" for a
special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Thought, the première journal of
literary and cultural theory published in Baroda, India. While much of
contemporary social theory focuses on postcolonial temporality, there are many
locations – geographical as well as political – that are still best understood
today as continuous with the era of high colonialism. What might sovereignty
and independence mean in these locations in an era of "globalization?" How do
these struggles reflect and refract earlier modes of anti-colonial resistance?
What role does literature and culture play in the formulation of such
struggles? What might the re-emergence of "Empire" signify in the so called
"postcolonial" context? Papers might address both local politics and its
representational claims in areas as diverse as Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Palestine,
Tibet, Iraq and in Native American and other indigenous contexts. They might
also engage with theorists of empire such as Niall Ferguson, Hardt and Negri,
Samuel Huntington, Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy and Michael Ignatieff. Completed
papers by email to by July 15th 2006. Inquiries welcome at any

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Received on Sat Jan 21 2006 - 14:15:36 EST