CFP: Learned Love: Dutch Love Emblems Digitised (4/1/06; 11/6/06-11/7/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Peter Boot
contact email: 

Learned Love
The Dutch Love Emblem on the Internet
Emblem Project Utrecht
6 and 7 November 2006
Utrecht University

To conclude the Emblem Project Utrecht (EPU), a Dutch initiative with
the objective of digitizing the corpus of Dutch love emblems (for more
information, see, a conference will be held on
November 6 and 7 2006. The focus of this conference will be on the two
central topics of the EPU: the Dutch love emblem and the emblem
digitization process.

Co-sponsors of the conference are the Research Institute for History and
Culture (Utrecht University), the Digital Library of Dutch Literature
(DBNL), Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS/KNAW), and the
Huygens Institute.

On the first day of the conference, the EPU site will be presented to
prof. dr. K. Porteman. Conference speakers include prof. dr. K.
Porteman, prof. dr. M. van Vaeck, dr. A.S.Q. Visser, prof. dr. E.M.P.
van Gemert, dr. A.J. Gelderblom, E. Vanhoutte, prof. dr. A. Adams and
dr. S. Rawles.

With this Call for Papers, the organization would like to invite
speakers to present their work at the conference. We especially
appreciate case studies carried out with the help of the EPU collections
and contributions that explicitly reflect on the value and
serviceability of the EPU collections. The organization has in mind
lectures within the scope of the following issues:

1. The Dutch Love Emblem

- How does the Dutch love emblem relate to other subgenres of the Dutch
- How does the Dutch love emblem relate to the tradition of the love
emblem as observed in other countries?
- How do word and image relate to one another in Dutch love emblems?
- How can the Dutch love emblem be considered from a gender theoretical
- What traces of the Petrarchist tradition can be found in the love emblem?
- Which aspects of the love emblem deserve further study?
- What are the relations between secular and religious love emblems?
- What sort of influence has the love emblem had on the practice of love
– in a worldly and religious sense?

2. The Digitization of Emblem Books

- What possibilities and impossibilities do the digital techniques as
opted for by the EPU offer?
- How will future technological developments affect the EPU digitization
- Which collections of cultural heritage are related so closely to the
Dutch love emblem that they should be digitally accessible from the EPU
collections? (One could think of, for instance, other Dutch emblem
books, prints, songbooks, alba amicorum, and so on.)
- What kind of research possibilities does the digitization of emblems
- How much of a difficulty does the EPU model pose for researchers
without much ICT experience? And, for that matter, for visitors of the site?
- What navigation and search options should a site such as the EPU offer
in order for it to be used to its full potential by researchers and
visitors alike?
- How does the digitization model of the EPU compare to that of other
emblem sites?
- What should a digital emblem site aspire to be: a reconstruction of a
seventeenth-century reading experience, a collection of search indices,
or a collection of scholarly editions?

The conference languages are English, Dutch, German and French. The
preferred language is English. Those that want to present a paper in
Dutch are asked to submit a Dutch version of the paper before 1 August
2006. On the day of the conference, an English translation will be
handed out to non-Dutch attendees. After the conference, the organizers
intend to publish a volume of the proceedings. Speakers will be asked to
submit copy for review (again, preferably in English) before January 1,

The deadline for abstract submissions (max. 300 words) is April 1st
2006. All abstracts will be reviewed before May 15th 2006. The time
allotted to each speaker is 30 minutes. You can send your abstract to:

Peter Boot, Els Stronks.

More information about the conference is available at

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Received on Sat Jan 21 2006 - 13:49:20 EST