CFP: The Contemporary Curatorial Act (no deadline noted; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
b. blich
contact email: 

Bezalel - academy of Art and Design (Jerusalem) inaugurates a peered refereed e-journal in the subjects of Art, Industrial Design, Architecture, Photography, Visual studies (Visual Communication, Visual Culture, Visual Representation etc.), music and architecture, fashion studies, Film Studies, Jewelry & objects, History and theory in the art, cinema, animation, story-boards. gender studies, literary studies vis-a-vis the arts.

Our forthcoming issue is partly dedicated to the subject of the Contemporary Curatorial act - epistemic, political and aesthetic aspects. Papers should refer to the place of the Museum in our society, to its history, to exhibitions which refer to issues such as feminism, body representations, to the `male gaze` in the arts, to the politics in the arts, high and low art, cultural studies related to the arts, visual communication, architecture, fashion, interdisciplinary studies, etc.
We are welcoming papers of all sorts accompanied by visuals, reviews of exhibitions, books, performances etc.

Papers should be sent on cd, in a word format to the the editor's following address. Specific instructions can be found in the journal's site or at the following e-mail of the editor.

Dr. Ben baruch Blich
editor of Protocols: History and Theory
History and Theory Unit
Bezalel - Academy of Arts and Design
Mount Scopus
Jerusalem, Israel

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Received on Sat Jan 21 2006 - 13:50:09 EST