UPDATE: Changing the Subject: Literary Discipline, Disciplining Literature (grad) (3/1/06; 4/22/06-4/23/06)

full name / name of organization: 
EGSO Albany
contact email: 

Deadline extended:

Call for Panels and Papers: Deadline 3/1/06
The English Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) of
the University at Albany, SUNY announces its annual
graduate student conference Saturday April 22 and
Sunday April 23, 2006:

Changing the Subject: Poesis, Praxis, and Theoria in
the Humanities

Robert Scholes is the Keynote Speaker, presenting a
paper titled "Changing the Subject: Periodical
Call for Papers and Panels:
Literary Discipline, Disciplining Literature

Over ten years before "The Uncanny," Freud published
his first major work about art, Delusions and Dreams
in Jensen's Gradiva, (1907, tr. 1917). Here, Freud
comments on the space of narrative as "the class of
dreams that have never been dreamt at all––dreams
created by imaginative writers and ascribed to
invented characters in the course of a story." In a
romantic sense, we must wonder where the magic or fun
in literature has gone. Working from the conference's
larger theme, do we discipline literature or free
literature? In a pragmatic sense, Freud's statement
only leads to further questions about where literature
comes from, where it goes, and what it does for (or,
perhaps: to) us. What, too, does the study of
literature do for us? And do we now consider film,
television, music, and advertising literature because
we employ literary techniques to produce, read, and
comment upon these newer forms?

We look for papers and panels that address the
disciplining of literature or literature that resists
discipline; additionally, we look for papers and
panels that fall into the disciplines of which we are

Criticism concerning all centuries of:
--American Literature
--British Literature
--World Literature
--Postcolonial Literature
--African American Literature
--Literature of Subcultures
All genres of:
--Film Studies
--The Internet

Please submit a 250-400 word proposal for papers
and/panels by March 1, 2006 to Robert Ficociello and
Matthew Pangborn at egsoalbany_at_yahoo.com.

For more information visit:

"Avoid the world, it's just a lot of dust and drag and means nothing in the end."
        Jack Kerouac

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Sat Jan 21 2006 - 13:49:43 EST
