CFP: Spinning the World: Myths and Legends (2/20/06; 4/28/06-4/30/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Toni Wein
contact email: 

Spinning the World-Myths and Legends 4/28-30/06
The graduate students in English at Fresno State have produced a stellar =
year of events=2C ranging from the appearance of legendary writer=2C Joyc=
e Carol Oates=2C through a series of colloquia hosted by the Students of =
English Studies Association =5BSESA=5D=2E These colloquia have taken as t=
heir overarching theme Myths and Legends=2C and have featured keynote spe=
akers on a variety of topics=2C including =93Myths of Origin and Place=2C=
=94 =93Myths of the Workforce=2C=94 and =93Myths of Academia=2E=94 =


The upcoming 2006 Spring Conference will be our culminating event and we =
would like to invite papers and exhibitions from all disciplines=2E We se=
ek analyses that explore the way myth and/or legend constructs a lens thr=
ough which we interpret and process our own society as well as cultures a=
round the world=2E Since we want to include creative works as well as mor=
e traditional papers=2C we equally invite submissions that challenge myth=
s and explore their effects on us through a wide variety of mediums and i=
nterpretive styles=2E =

Some questions to consider=3A
* What motifs=2C archetypal figures and potential parallel myths are ther=
e throughout
* How do cultural myths illustrate and represent the belief systems of so=
* How do the legends that storytellers have spun for over a thousand year=
s evolve
and how have they defined our expectations of heroism=2C romance and adve=

Please submit an abstract =5B500 words or less=5D for your proposed paper=
=2C presentation=2C or performance=2E Deadline for submissions is 2/20/06=

The weekend-long event will include a welcoming reception on Friday eveni=
ng=2C enhanced by some of Fresno State=27s award-inning wines=2C produced=
 right here at the enology department=2E For out-of-town guests=2C we wil=
l have information and offer assistance in making arrangements for overni=
ght lodging=2E Come join us here in Fresno=2C where Yosemite looms just a=
n hour away=2C with its mythical beauty forever immortalized by photograp=
her Ansel Adams in his own legends of portrait=2C and where MELUS will ho=
ld its conference in spring of 2007=2E

For more information and for submission of abstracts=2C contact Cathy Foc=
arazzo Ciontea=2C Conference coordinator

Professor Toni Wein =

Department of English=2C CSUFresno

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jan 24 2006 - 17:17:41 EST
