CFP: The Celebrity Culture of British Romanticism (3/15/06; MLA '06)

full name / name of organization: 
Goldsmith, Jason
contact email: 

Call for Papers: The Celebrity Culture of British Romanticism.
Proposed Special Session for MLA '06 (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Seeking papers for a special session that will explore the impact of popular celebrity on Romantic-era literature. To what extent is the literary discourse of Romanticism complicit in the development of mass-media celebrity? Can we identify sympathetic exchanges between celebrity and Romantic poetry? Proposals might address the material conditions of Romantic celebrity; literary treatments of celebrity; the afterlife of authorship; critical reviews, reading habits, and reputation; scandal as promotional strategy; "The Shows of London" and the author as spectacle; Romantic simulacra; portraiture and lyric poetry; fandom, fetishism, and literary tourism; technologies of prestige such as caricature or satire; or any other relevant topic. Papers treating the influence of celebrity culture on poetry or poetics are especially welcome.

Please submit abstract (no more 500 words) and a brief CV by March 15th to Jason Goldsmith (

Jason N. Goldsmith
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Butler University
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46208

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Received on Tue Jan 24 2006 - 17:17:20 EST
