UPDATE: Reading Traditions, Appropriating Cultures (grad) (2/28/06; 4/21/06-4/22/06)

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We have extended the deadline for submissions to this conference to February 28, 2006. The call for papers is reproduced below.

Please send all inquiries and abstracts (as Word attachments) to: ousagesconference_at_gmail.com.
Reading Traditions, Appropriating Cultures: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference in Rhetorical, Literary, and Cultural Studies
The University of Oklahoma
April 21-22, 2006
Keynote Speaker
Michael Moon
Johns Hopkins University
As scholars and as teachers, academics are necessarily engaged in negotiations with a number of different cultures, communities, and traditions. From contemporary critical attempts to reread the dominant traditions of Western history, art, and philosophy to politically charged efforts at education reform, questions regarding inherited methods, conventions, and paradigms are currently of paramount and wide-ranging importance. Scholars in the humanities cannot avoid asking these questions. If "history" is a narrative written by the victors, in what ways do we reread—and thereby rewrite—our various histories? How are dominant histories reinforced, challenged, subverted, or appropriated for different, often contradictory aims? What does it mean to "read" such an intertextual and heteroglot text as culture or tradition? How can teachers deal with the multiple cultures and traditions represented—or underrepresented or misrepresented—in their curricula and by their students?
 More fundamentally, how do we reconfigure the concepts "culture" and "tradition" that are both the means and the ends of these negotiations? How do these concepts intersect with each other and influence each other, either as scholarly topoi or in other discursive fields beyond the university?
The University of Oklahoma Student Association of Graduate English Studies (SAGES) seeks proposals for papers and panels that address these and related issues. As the title "Reading Cultures, Appropriating Traditions" suggests, this conference aims to inaugurate and to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue that interrogates ideas and cases of culture and tradition, as well as such related concepts as identity, community, history, subjectivity, agency, and so forth. Although this is a conference in rhetorical, literary, and cultural studies, papers from such diverse fields as history, philosophy, communication, and the social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary fields such as women's studies or subaltern studies (to name but a few possibilities) are not only welcome but actively encouraged. In addition, SAGES also welcomes proposals for entire panels (of three to four papers).
Please send an abstract (approximately 250 words) describing the focus, scope, and method(s) of your paper to ousagesconference_at_gmail.com. To propose a panel, please include a description of the panel (approximately 150 words) along with the individual abstracts. (Note: panels will be externally chaired rather than be chaired by one of the presenters.) Sessions will run 90 minutes, with one hour for papers (15-20 minutes each) and 30 minutes for discussion. The deadline for proposals is February 28, 2006.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Jan 24 2006 - 18:17:37 EST