CFP: British Screens Now (UK) (3/31/06; 9/11/06-9/13/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrew Moor
contact email: 

This is the first cfp for 'British Screens Now', an international conference to be held at
Manchester Metropolitan University and Cornerhouse Cinema Manchester, UK.

Deadline for abstracts: 31st March 2006.

'British Screens Now' will address, in the broadest sense, screen media produced and consumed in
Britain. Bringing together practitioners and scholars, it will look forward and backwards in an
attempt to promote an understanding of what appears on British screens, how it gets there and how it
is consumed. The conference will also encourage a sustained reassessment of what actually
constitutes 'British screens' in increasingly global contexts.

Major strands of the conference will be:

    * Defining British screens
    * British screen production, distribution and exhibition
    * Reception and British screens
    * Local and regional screen media
    * British screens/global contexts

Keynote speakers will include: Professor John Hill (Royal Holloway) and, as Guest of Honour,
Professor Charles Barr (UEA).

As a teacher and scholar of film, Charles Barr has played a key role in developing our understanding
of British screen history. As Charles begins to anticipate his retirement, the conference will mark
and celebrate his career by inviting papers which engage with any aspect of his work on British
cinema. However, papers are also encouraged from those working in any area that intersects with any
aspect of British Screens: past, present and future.

Proposals for papers (no more than 350 words), with an accompanying 1-page cv, should be emailed to or posted to Dr Andrew Moor, Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan
University, Geoffrey Manton Building, off Oxford Rd, Manchester, M15 6LL, UK, by 31s March.

Organising Team:
Dr Andrew Moor, Senior Lecturer in Film, Manchester Metropolitan University. Email:

Andrew Willis, Lecturer in Media and Performance, University of Salford. Email:

Dr Rajinder Dudrah, Lecturer in Screen Studies, University of Manchester. Email:

Dr Andrew Moor
Department of English
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester M15 6LL
0161 247 2000

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jan 30 2006 - 17:44:46 EST