CFP: Georgia Philological Association (Literature, Language, Linguistics, Composition, and Pedagogy (3/31/06; 4/21/06 & jour
Brewton-Parker College, Mount Vernon, Georgia, will host the first
annual conference of the Georgia Philological Association on April 21,
2006, beginning at 9:00AM and concluding at 4:00PM.
We invite professors, graduate students, and independent scholars to
join the association and submit scholarly papers and ideas for panel
discussions as directed below. Subjects may relate to American,
British, French, Hispanic, Russian, German, or Slavic literature or
language, as well as linguistics, composition, and pedagogy.
We are also sponsoring a contest to design a permanent logo for the
Association, and the winning design will receive a $100. award.
A refereed journal, The Journal Of The Georgia Philological Association,
will publish selected essays from the conference. In addition, we will
accept submissions for publication until the deadline of March 31, 2006.
Those who choose to not submit a proposal but who would like to chair a
session, please contact Dr. Bayne directly to discuss areas of interest.
Please submit session topics, panel discussion topics, and complete
scholarly papers by Friday, March 31, 2006 to:
Professor Harry Bayne
GAP President
Brewton-Parker College #2025
P.O. Box #197
Mount Vernon, GA 30445
Phone: (912) 583-3105
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jan 30 2006 - 17:46:44 EST