CFP: Epistemologies of Imperialism and Domesticity in the Americas (grad) (3/8/06; 4/7/06-4/9/06)
Call for Papers: PSU Americanists Graduate Student Conference
"What's Wrong with Belonging?: Epistemologies of Imperialism and
Domesticity in the Americas"
Date of Conference: 7–9 April 2006
Submission Deadline: 8 March 2006
The PSU Americanists Focus Group invites proposals for 15–20 minute
presentations on questions related to and stemming from the following question:
What are the epistemologies at work in various discourses of imperialism,
nativism, and domesticity in the Americas? Answers to this question may take
a variety of approaches and foci, ranging from the intimately local (family
dynamics) to the national, to the hemispherical (questions of indigenity,
hybridity, etc.).
This is a conference principally of graduate students, by graduate students, for
graduate students. The purpose of the PSU Americanists Focus Group is to
encourage interdisciplinary study and communication among graduate students
whose academic research informs or is informed by the study of the Americas.
The goal is to gain a truly interdisciplinary perspective on social, historical,
political, pedagogical, and literary work focused on belonging in the United
States, Mexico, Central and South America, Canada, and the Caribbean. In the
interest of bringing together scholars who are working on similar issues, we
invite submissions of paper topics from all departments.
The conference will be divided into panels which focus on particular issues.
Each panel should have three papers and a moderator and may also have a
respondent. Papers should be 15–20 minutes (or 8–9 double spaced pages) in
length. We invite submissions of whole panels and individual papers.
Submission deadline: 8 March 2006
Please send panel and paper submissions via email to Tasha Walston
Panel Proposals:
For proposal of closed panels (panels that have already organized their
participants and include three papers and a moderator), we ask that you submit
a 200-word abstract of the panel as a whole, how it relates to the conference
theme, and the questions it wishes to examine. It must also include 200-word
abstracts of each of the papers and basic personal information about each
participant (university, department, year, etc.). We give preference to panels
whose participants are from different disciplines. Panels must have a moderator
and/or a respondent who will comment on the papers, briefly discuss their
connections, and open up questions for the audience.
Paper Proposals:
For individual papers, we ask that you include a 300-word abstract
including a brief statement on the way that the paper relates to the conference
theme, and possible panel topics (listed below) with which it might fit. We ask
also that you include basic personal information (university, department, year,
* There is no fee for this conference.
* You must provide your own transportation.
* We will try to provide informal accommodation at the homes of graduate
students at Penn State University, but cannot guarantee housing. If you prefer
a hotel, we cannot assist you financially, but we can help you find one.
* We will provide some meals for you banquet style, free of charge.
* Audio-visual equipment (overhead, slide or laptop projectors; DVD players,
VCRs, etc.) will be available free of charge for those requesting it in their
paper or panel proposals.
Suggested Panel Topics:
Mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion (cultural, political, historical, and/or
Nativism, indigenism
Domesticity and family practices, parenting and gender roles
Reproduction and representation
Spaces of home and/or nation
Migration, immigration
Transnational labor and cultural identity
Colonization and neo-colonization
Contact zones: native and non-native American encounters
Mapping diversity
Making and un-making American identity
Transatlantic and/or transpacific circulation
The creole and the nation
The changing borders of the Americas
Grad student/faculty panel on professional development in Inter-American
--Tasha N. WalstonEditorial AssistantComparative Literature StudiesPenn State University311 Burrowes BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802Tel. 814-863-1336Fax. ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Thu Feb 02 2006 - 14:30:53 EST