CFP: Intercultural Communication, Journal CLR (8/31/06; journal issue)
Journal Culture, Language and Representation invites contributions
for Volume 4 to be published May 2007
The issue will be devoted to "Intercultural Communication"
Since the various migratory phenomena entered the logic of
globalization, awareness has been raised about how different social
groups engage in open communicative processes. The cultural component
of communication covers a wide range of areas ranging from what has
been termed "material culture", to identity politics, power
relations, the idea of diversity and difference, concepts of the
border, as well as various other dimensions of communicative
interaction. Thus, the academic community has explored the field of
intercultural communication in an attempt to tackle and understand
those aspects of the communicative processes deriving from but not
directly related to linguistic abilities and variables.
Submissions may engage in the theoretical or empirical discussion of:
- Comparative analysis of communicative interactions between cultures.
- The exploration and evaluation of intercultural situations in
divergent communicative contexts.
- The analysis of transcultural, intracultural, ultracultural,
metacultural, or acculturization processes.
- Educational proposals that adopt an intercultural communicative approach.
- The role of the intercultural mediators in social contexts (public
services, institutions, etc.)
- The role of the media and advertising in promoting or appropriating
elements of intercultural communication.
- The articulation of issues of intercultural communication in the
arts, literature, film, or any other field involving creative processes.
Prospective contributors should follow the Journal's Guidelines for
Publication, available in the Journal's Web Page:
<>; or on request to the Editors
Articles will be peer-reviewed and acceptance or rejection, based on
the external evaluation, will be notified in 3 months' time counting
from the Deadline for submissions.
Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2006
Any enquiries concerning this Call for Papers or the Journal should
be addressed to the Editors:
Jose R. Prado -- <>
Jose Luis Blas -- <>
Please send two hard copies of your contribution and a PC diskette
with a Word or RTF document to:
Articles in English:
Jose R. Prado
Departamento de Estudios Ingleses
Campus Riu Sec
Universitat Jaume I
12071 Castellon, Spain
Articles in Spanish:
Jose Luis Blas
Departamento de Filologia y Culturas Europeas
Campus Riu Sec
Universitat Jaume I
12071 Castellon, Spain
Dr. Jose R. Prado
Campus Riu Sec
Universidad Jaume I
12071 Castellon
Tel. +34 964 729532
Office: +34 964 729616
Fax. +34 964 729261
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Feb 02 2006 - 14:31:00 EST