CFP: Shopping for Jesus! Religion as Commodity (5/1/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Dominic Janes
contact email: 

I am currently working on an edited volume of papers provisionally
titled 'Shopping for Jesus!: Religion as Commodity'. The aim of this is
to explore the connections between belief, its presentation, and the
processes by which it is sold and consumed. I want to think about the
way in which religion operates in a market culture and the degree to
which one can use the notions of branding, advertising and marketing to
understand missionary and revival activities. Conversely, one might ask
whether religious methods of self-promotion underlay the development of
some of the techniques of private enterprise. I am interested in papers
that explore such themes from a range of locations in time, space and
denomination. Writers could come from theology, history, art history,
literature or business backgrounds. I hope that some of the writers will
be able to get together in London for a day conference - date to be
determined - in which they will have a chance to discuss these issues in
a comparative context


Deadline for abstracts is 1st May 2006 and deadline for completed papers
is 31 Dec 2006. They should be sent to I will be
delighted to discuss the project with you.


My best regards,




Dr Dominic Janes,

Lecturer, Faculty of Continuing Education,

Birkbeck College, London,

26 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DQ

Tel. +44 (0)20 7679 1049, +44 (0)7870 157187=20

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Received on Thu Feb 02 2006 - 14:31:52 EST
