UPDATE: Interface: Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference (grad) (2/3/06; 5/2/06)

full name / name of organization: 
alex wetmore
contact email: 

Please be advised that the date of the conference is
no longer 4 May 2006 and will now be held on 2 May
2006. Also, we are happy to say we have confirmed that
cultural theorist and music scholar Dr. Richard
Leppert will be our keynote speaker. The deadline for
submissions remains 3 February 2006. For further
information please take a look at our revised CFP
included below. We look forward to reading your

Alex Wetmore
(conference co-organizer)

Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference

Interface 2006: "Ruptures"

Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art,
and Culture (ICSLAC)
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
May 2nd, 2006

Call for Papers
The Cultural Mediations program at Carleton University
announces a call for papers for its annual graduate
conference to be held on campus in Ottawa on May 4th,
2006. Details are available on the conference web site
at http://www.carleton.ca/interface/.

The Interface colloquium has been held the last two
years as an interdisciplinary forum for graduate
researchers and scholars. Its broadest aim is to
explore the ideological, epistemological, ethical, and
aesthetic consequences of questioning and
transgressing traditional borders between disciplinary
fields. This year's theme, "Ruptures," can be
approached in light of Michel Foucault's claim in The
Archaeology of Knowledge that sites of rupture and
discontinuity should not be explained away in the
interests of progress and objectivity, but instead
treated as the "conditions of possibility" that give
rise to knowledge in the first place. Presentations
dealing with any aspect of this year's theme are
welcomed in the streams of Literary Studies, Visual
Culture, Musical Culture, New Technologies, Historical
Representation or any other related discipline or
discourse. Some possible presentation topics include
but are by no means limited to:

- Transnationalism, post-colonialism, cultural
translation, global/local interaction.
- Queer theory, gender studies, cultural and ethnic
- Abjection, otherness, hybridity, liminality,
- Textuality/intertextuality, text/image, hypertext,
semiotics, narratology.
- Technology and the body, post-humanism, informatics,
virtuality, hyperreality.
- Strategies of resistance, radical politics, agency
and activism.
- Modernity/postmodernity/post-postmodernity.
- High/low culture, popular culture, subcultures.

The format for each presentation is a twenty minute
paper followed by discussion. Alternatively, twenty
minute media performance pieces are also invited for
submission. These performances will be followed by a
dialogue with the artist.

Proposals should include:
1) An abstract of no more than 300 words for the
twenty minute paper, including the title, but no other
identifying features (to ensure anonymous selection).
2) A cover page including paper title, name, contact
information (phone, address and e-mail), and any
audio/visual equipment needed.

Send all submissions as attachments to:
interface_at_connect.carleton.ca. The deadline for
Submissions is February 3rd, 2006.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Thu Feb 02 2006 - 14:31:16 EST