CFP: International Society for Travel Writing Conference (6/1/06; 9/29/06-10/1/06)

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ISTW Call For Papers

The fifth International Society for Travel Writing
conference, "Roughing It," will be held in Denver, Colorado, September
29-October 1, 2006.

Proposals for panels and 20 minute papers are sought from scholars
working in all areas of travel writing worldwide, including geography,
literary studies, history, sociology, anthropology, indigenous
studies, political science, American studies, environmental studies,
media studies, and travel management. ISTW is an interdisciplinary
group whose members study all aspects of traveling, tourism, and the
journey. Topics may address the literature of travel, exploration,
discovery, and adventure from the ancient period to the present, as
well as written and visual travel documents such as paintings,
guidebooks, postcards, photographs, and films. In keeping with this
year's theme, we especially welcome studies of adventures in the west,
including but not limited to: autobiography and tall tales;
intersections of cultures--including eastern and western, foreign and
native; overland travel; 'westering' traveler's diaries and memoirs;
travelers on trails and rails; style and fashion statements; plains
and mountain voyagers--all "variegated vagabondizing" and Rocky
Mountain passages--"Roughing It."

Please forward 300-word abstracts, including title, professional
affiliation, addresses (especially e-mail), phone number, and AV
requirements by JUNE 1, 2006. Electronic submissions are highly
encouraged. Papers should be delivered in English. Technical support
will be supplied by the conference, including overhead projectors,
slide projectors, DVD and VHS platforms. Send proposals as a MS Word
attachment to Professor James Poynter <>.
For more information:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Feb 07 2006 - 13:17:00 EST
