CFP: Women and the Politics of Water (5/31/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Nandita Ghosh
contact email: 

Call for Submissions:

We invite critical and creative submissions from a global cross-section of
women writers on the politics of water for a forthcoming special issue of
International Feminist Journal of Politics (IFjP), published by
Routledge/Taylor and Francis. Dr. Nandita Ghosh and Paola Corso will serve as
guest editors for this special issue of IFjP. "The Politics of Water: A
Confluence of Women's Voices" will combine testimonial accounts, critical
essays, short fiction, and poetry on the physical nature of women's struggle
over water as a resource and material reality.

These struggles often place at risk women's bodies in national, racial, ethnic,
and class conflicts. For example, a 2004 Consumers International report notes
the following: Poor rural women in developing countries may spend eight hours a
day collecting water, carrying up to 20 kilos of water on their heads each
journey. One in 10 school-age girls in Africa do not attend school during
menstruation or drop out at puberty because of the absence of clean and private
sanitation facilities in schools. Every day 6,000 girls and boys die from
diseases linked to unsafe water and women are the main caretakers for sick
children and adults. A woman in a slum in Kenya pays at least five times more
for one liter of water than a woman in the United States. Women activists
opposing dam projects in India brave the rising waters in protest.

As debates become more acrid in tone in the 21st Century over the role of water
in our increasingly fragile environment, such concerns are sure to become more
anxiety prone for rural women of the South who often manage water resources for
their communities. This special issue is a response to such debates and

All submissions must focus on gender thematics in any discussion concerning the
politics of water, but the editors are open to work drawing from various
disciplines including water resources social studies, women's studies, cultural
studies, literary studies, environmental studies history, mythology, geography,
political science, sociology, anthropology, biology, and others. Please see the
journal’s Notes for Contributors for further details concerning accompanying
materials, format, and house style. All submissions must be written in

Guidelines for critical essays: Essays should not exceed 3,000 words.
Submissions should be sent as follows: Dr. Nandita Ghosh, Assistant Professor,
Department of English, Communications, Philosophy, Fairleigh Dickinson
University, Madison, NJ 07940,

Guidelines for short fiction, & poetry: Short fiction should not exceed 3000
words. Send 3-5 poems. Submissions should be sent as follows: Paola Corso, 133
8th Avenue #4E, Brooklyn, NY 11215.

Guidelines for testimonial accounts: These should not exceed 3000 words. If
these are creative in style and content then submit to Paola Corso. If, on the
other hand, these are more critical or analytical, please submit to Nandita

DEADLINE: May 31, 2006

Special Issue Editors:
Paola Corso is a 2003 New York Foundation for the Arts poetry fellow and author
of Death by Renaissance and Giovanna's 86 Circles. Her poetry and fiction are
set in her native Pittsburgh river town and explore the environmental impact of
industrialization from a working-class perspective. She and Dr. Anna Kay France
co-edited a book on International Women Playwrights. She currently teaches a
prose workshop at Fordham University.

Nandita Ghosh is an assistant professor at Farleigh Dickinson University where
she teaches courses on literature, culture, and the environment. She was
involved in mobilizing active support in the US against the construction of the
Maheshwar dam on the River Narmada and has networked with members of the
Narmada Bachao Andolan (a grassroots movement in India protesting the
environmental damage and human displacement caused by damming the River
Narmada), as well as various human rights and environmental groups based in the

International Feminist Journal of Politics
Notes to Contributors
IFjP does not consider manuscripts that are under review elsewhere or that have
been previously published. Submission of a paper to the journal will be taken
to imply that it presents original, unpublished, work not under consideration
for publication elsewhere. Where copyright permission is required, it is the
author's responsibility to obtain such permission. By submitting a manuscript,
the authors agree that the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the
article have been given to the Publishers. Upon acceptance for publication, a
transfer of copyright agreement will be forwarded to be signed by the author
for all IFjP submissions. The editorial office must receive signed hard copies
of the transfer of copyright agreement before accepted material can be
Submission should be in English, typed in double spacing (including all notes
and references) on one side only of the paper (or in electronic format, see
below). English or American spelling is acceptable provided usage is
Articles are read first by one of the IFjP editors. If it is appropriate for
IFjP and ready for review, the article is sent out anonymously to be refereed
by at least two readers.
Every effort will be made to decide as to publication within 6 months of
Each author (or set of coauthors) will receive 1 copy of the issue and either
50 offprints or a PDF file of the article.
Preparation of copy
1. Type all copy--including endnotes and reference list--double-spaced,
allowing generous margins on the top, bottom, and sides. Articles should range
between 5,000 and 8,000 words. Authors are requested to send an electronic
version of their article on disk or as an email attachment. It is important
that authors ensure that their typescript is an exact printout of the
electronic version supplied.
2. A brief biographical note about each author should be supplied on a separate
sheet, and should include the article title and the author's name, postal
address, and E-mail address, if available. The first page of the manuscript
should have the article title 2 inches from the top of the page. The text
should start 2 inches below the title. To protect anonymity, the author's name
should not appear on the manuscript, and all references in the body of the text
and in footnotes that might identify the author to the reviewer should be
removed and cited on a separate page.
3. Tables, figures and plates should not be inserted within the pages of the
manuscript but should be submitted on separate sheets attached to the article.
All captions should be listed on the sheet along with the corresponding
illustration. The desired positions for each table, figure, and plate should be
indicated in the margin of the manuscript. A glossy print of each illustration
should accompany the manuscript.
4. Only one hard copy of the paper plus abstract (of not more than 200 words)
should be submitted if accompanied by a disk version or an email attachment
saved in Word or RTF (Rich Text Format). If you are unable to supply us with
an electronic version in either of these formats you should submit three hard
copies instead. Send submissions to: The Editors, IFjP, Centre for
International and Security Studies, York University, 4700 Keele Street,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3 or email us on Please note
that the IFjP office will retain one copy of the manuscript for its files.
Citations and references
Whenever feasible, submissions should follow the Harvard author-date system of
documentation. References to works are given in the text in chronological order
by enclosing the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses
(Miller 1978) and are keyed to an alphabetical list of references at the end of
the article. Specific page or section references follow the date, preceded by
a colon (Miller 1978: 234). Other examples are: (Miller and Jones 1978) for
dual authorship; (Miller et al. 1978) for more than three authors; (Miller
1978a, 1978b) for two works by the same author in a single year; (Smith 1982;
Chanock 1985; Robertson and Berger 1986) for two or more works by different
Endnotes are used for material commenting on or adding to the text and should
be used instead of parenthetical citations for references to more than three
works, archival materials, unpublished interviews, and legal cases. Within
endnotes, second and later references to a work should refer to the author's
last name and date. Do not use op. cit. Endnotes should be typed
double-spaced at the end of the article, preceding the list of references.
Full references must be given in the reference list to all works cited in the
text, including citations in endnotes. List works alphabetically by author
and, under author, by year of publication. References not cited in the text
will be removed from the reference list. Author’s first names (where
available) should not be spelt out in full, but initials used instead, as a
matter of standard practice.
Smyth, C. 1992. Lesbians Talk Queer Notions. London: Scarlett Press.
Book, multiple author:
Kay, J., Mayer, C. and Thompson, D. 1986. Privatization and Regulation. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
Article in edited volume:
Dworkin, G. 1989. ‘The Concept of Autonomy’, in Christman, J. (ed.) The Inner
Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy, pp. 46â€"68. New York: Oxford University
Article in journal:
de Lauretis, T. 1989. ‘The Essence of the Triangle or, Taking the Risk of
Essentialism Seriously: Feminist Theory in Italy, the U.S., and Britain’,
Differences 1 (2): 3â€"37.
Edited text:
Smith, A. 1976. [1776] An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations R. H. Campbell, A. S. Skinner and W. B. Todd (eds.) Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Translated text:
Foucault, M. 1980. Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings:
1972â€"1977. C. Gordon (ed.). Trans. C. Gordon, L. Marshall, J. Mepham, K. Soper.
Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press.
Article in newspaper:
Lewin, T. 1992. ‘Hurdles Increase for Many Women Seeking Abortions.’ The New
York Times, March 15; 1, 18.
Fleck, S. E. 1997. ‘Choice or Bargain? Married Women's Labor Force
Participation in Honduras’. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Economics,
American University.
Further notes on style
It would be helpful if contributors would bear in mind the following points of
style when preparing their papers.
Justification of text: If you are using a computer or wordprocessor, use
unjustified mode. Leave the right margin ragged and avoid word divisions and
hyphens at the ends of lines. Only insert hard returns at the end of paragraphs
or headings.
Punctuation: Use a single (not a double) space after a full point, and after
commas, colons, semicolons, etc. Do not put a space in front of a question
mark, or in front of any other closing quotation mark.
Full points: Use full points after abbreviations (p.m., e.g., i.e., etc.) and
contractions where the end of the word is cut ( p., ed., ch.). Omit full
points in acronyms (HMSO, USA, BBC, NATO, plc), after contractions which end in
the last letter of the word (Dr, Mr, St, edn, eds, Ltd) and after metric units
(cm, m, km, kg,). Note especially ed. eds; vol. vols; no. nos; ch. chs, etc.
Quotations: Use single quotation marks for quoted material within the text;
double quotation marks should only be used for quotes within quotes. Quotations
of over forty words should be extracted and indented and no quotation marks
Numerals: In general spell out numbers under 100; but use numerals for
measurements (e.g. 12km) and ages (e.g. 10 years old). Insert a comma for both
thousands and tens of thousands (e.g. 1,000 and 20, 000). Always use the
minimum number of figures for ranged numbers and dates, e.g. 22â€"4, 105â€"6,
1966â€"7; but use 112â€"13, 1914â€"18, etc. for ‘teen’ numbers. Use the percentages
sign only in figures and tables; spell out ‘per cent’ in the text using a
numeral for the number (e.g. 84 per cent).

Dates: Set out as follows: 8 July 1990 (no comma), on 8 July, or on the 8th;
1990s (not spelt out, no apostrophe); nineteenth century (not 19th century) and
insert hyphen when used adjectivally (e.g. nineteenth-century art).

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Received on Tue Feb 07 2006 - 13:17:32 EST