UPDATE: Gender and National Identity in Film and Television (grad & new scholars) (UK) (2/25/06; 6/23/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Shelley Cobb
contact email: 

Featured speaker announced:

Gender and National Identity in Film and Television: A Postgraduate
One-day Conference
The University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK **Conference date: Friday,
June 23, 2006

This conference seeks postgraduates and new scholars researching,
historicizing, and theorizing the intersection of gender and nation in
film and television. The intersection of these two discourses is our
focus but we are interested also in papers that consider the relationship
of gender and nation within the frame of other film and television studies
topics. Essays with an interdisciplinary framework are welcome. Topics
may include (but are not limited to) the following:

How do we quantify or theorise transnational reception of the gendered text?
The "unruly" ethnic/sexual/class gender identity in fictions of national
The conjunction of gender and class in the configuration/presentation of a
national identity
How do ideas of nationhood inscribe themselves onto the gendered body of
the citizen?
How do representations of the national and gender co-opt or elide the
How does the subaltern/subcultural (particularly as it is inflected by
gender and sexuality) use and/or pose as the national?
How is the post-national gendered?
The transmediation of gender and the nation between film and television
(or between film/tv and other types of texts)
Hollywood as the "unmarked" national cinema and its relationship with gender
Hollywood and the representation of the national and gendered "other"
Gender and the authorship or production of the national film and
television text
Gender, genre and national identity
The politics of feminism in the national context and the national politics
of feminism
The centrality of the family in national identity and the construction of
gendered kinship roles

Other key words:
Post-colonialism, Immigration, Diaspora, (imagined) Community,
Expatriates, History/Memory, Language, Borders/ frontiers, Globalization,
Femininity, Masculinity, Performativity, Sexuality, The Body,

Featured speaker Ginette Vincendeau
Selected publications: Stars and Stardom of French Cinema, author
Film/Literature/Heritage: A Sight and Sound Reader, editor

Additional speakers: Professor Andrew Higson, Professor Yvonne Tasker

Please email 250 word abstracts with your name and affiliation to both
Shelley Cobb (s.cobb_at_uea.ac.uk) and Sarah Godfrey (s.godfrey_at_uea.ac.uk) by
February 25, 2006. Please feel free to email with enquiries.

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Received on Tue Feb 07 2006 - 13:17:36 EST
