CFP: Cine-Lit VI: An Intl. Conf. on Hispanic Film and Fiction (12/1/06; 2/21/07-2/24/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Oscar Fernandez
contact email: 

CINE-LIT VI: An International Conference on Hispanic Film and Fiction

February 21-24, 2007

Organized by Portland State University, Oregon State University,
and Northwest Film Center/Portland International Film Festival


You are invited to submit an abstract of a paper on any aspect of the
relationship between Hispanic literature and film. Please provide three copies
of a 300-word abstract along with one 3 x 5 card listing the following: Title of
paper, your name, academic affiliation, address, and telephone and FAX numbers.

DEADLINE: December 1, 2006.

Cine-Lit VI will be organized around the following sessions: Women Cineastes,
Cinema and Theatre, Cinema and Ideologies, Cinematographic Adaptations,
Marginalized Voices in Cinema, New Films and Directors, Hispanic Cinema in the
U.S., and Hispanic Cinema in the Classroom.

A committee will consider requests for the formation of special sessions dealing
with a specific author/work, director/film, or other pertinent topics examining
the connection between the visual and written image. They should be submitted
as soon as possible. Reading time of papers will be limited to 15 minutes.

A selection of papers read at the conference will be published in Cine-Lit VI:
Essays on Hispanic Film and Fiction.

Please send submissions or inquiries to:

Oscar Fernández Guy H. Wood
Foreign Languages & Literatures Foreign Languages & Literatures
Portland State University Oregon State University
451-Q Neuberger Hall 210 Kidder Hall
Portland, OR 97207 Corvallis, OR 97331

Fax: 503-725-5276 Fax: 541-737-3563
Phone: 503-725-5224 Phone: 541-737-3936
E-mail: E-mail:

Web Page::

--Dr. Oscar Fernández,Asst. Professor, Spanish & Comparative LiteratureThe Portland State UniversityDept. of Foreign Languages & LiteraturesPO BOX 751FLL-NH 393Portland, OR 97207-0751OFFICE: NH 451 Qo: 503 725 5224f: 503 725 5276 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Sat Feb 11 2006 - 14:44:41 EST
