CFP: Journal of Interactive Drama (ongoing; journal)
Journal of Interactive Drama
A Multi-Discipline Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Scenario-Based Theatre-Style Interactive Drama
Freeform Live Action Roleplaying Games
Call for Papers
The Journal of Interactive Drama is an online peer-reviewed journal on scenario-based interactive drama freeform live action roleplaying games which provides a forum for serious discussion of live roleplaying game theory, design, and practice. Two to three issues per volume are published annually. The journal provides a forum for the discussion of any of the various scenario-based theatre-style live action roleplaying games, freeforms, and interactive dramas and invites contributions in all areas of literature, theory, design, and practice for educational, entertainment, and recreational roleplay. Formal and informal essays, articles, papers, and critical reviews are also welcome.
This is a peer-reviewed journal that may include formal papers and informal essays for and by the roleplaying community from a wide variety of disciplines. The focus is general enough so that authors should feel comfortable submitting material of either a formal or informal nature, albeit all submissions are peer-reviewed and should be appropriate to a serious and thoughtful discussion of that type -- we encourage articles, essays, and formal papers on all manner of live roleplaying, freeform, and interactive drama-related topics. Discussions of related ludology, techniques, and good solid critical book and roleplay scenario or event reviews are quite welcome as well. As this is a multi-disciplinary journal, material related to a wide range of scenario-based learning, social psychology, critical theory, performance studies, popular culture, design, and more as they intersect with the interactive drama are also welcome. Pure design pieces related to scenario construction and !
review are also encouraged. Each issue will showcase one to three longform or four to six shortform interactive drama freeform live action roleplaying scenarios; creative scenario submissions of this type are very sought after. Scenarios for submission should include a section of self-reflective critical thought and formal designer's notes that discuss issues related to the creation of the piece as well as a formal section which reviews the author's performance experiences with the scenario.
While this is an international journal, the language of publication is English. Submissions are accepted throughout the year. E-mail submissions are accepted at where they will be vetted by the editor and assigned to editorial board members for blind peer review. Hardcopy submissions should be sent with a softcopy on CD to:
Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH
Editor, Journal of Interactive Drama
Department of English
National Chengchi University
64 Chinan Road, Section 2
Taipei 116
Include a cover page with your submission containing Your Name, Qualifications and Rank, Institutional Affiliation, Address, Email, Telephone, and a copy of the abstract for the submission. Please also attach a brief author's biography of 150-250 words to be included in the contributor's notes section of the published journal. The text of your submission should not have any identifying features.
Questions regarding the journal can be addressed to the Editor at
Visit for more
Journal of Interactive Drama
A Multi-Discipline Peer-Reviewed Journal of
Scenario-Based Theatre-Style Interactive Drama
Freeform Live Action Roleplaying Games
Notes for Contributors
E-mail submissions are accepted at Hardcopy submissions should be sent with a softcopy on CD to:
Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH
Editor, Journal of Interactive Drama
Department of English
National Chengchi University
64 Chinan Road, Section 2
Taipei 116
The Journal of Interactive Drama is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes one volume per year, with two to three issues per volume. Both Microsoft Word (6.0 or above) and txt files are acceptable. Once received, manuscripts will be sent to reviewers immediately.
Manuscripts submitted to Journal of Interactive Drama should follow the style sheet of the current MLA Handbook as appropriate. Scenario submissions may use informal formatting conventions as long as they stay within the guidelines here.
If your submission has notes, please use footnotes, not endnotes.
The font used is Times New Roman (12pt) – creative pieces, such as scenarios, may use other font sizes but should stay within the same font type. If you use a special font that is non-system, you must include a copy of the font file with your submission. Please do not use columns in your piece.
Use a separate sheet to include your name, title, affiliated institution, and contact information (email) as well as a brief author's biography of 150-250 words to be included in the contributor's notes.
Include a brief summary or abstract of the submission.
If you use illustrations or photographs, you must include all pertinent information as well as statements of permissions and copyrights to demonstrate you have the rights to include the images and that they may be published within the Journal of Interactive Drama under the same online and print rights as the accompanying paper. In the event of rights disputes, the author is responsible and liable for any material included in that author's submission.
Publishers wishing their books, products, or other materials reviewed may send hard or soft review copies to the editor's address above and a reviewer will be assigned.
The journal is published online at
Questions regarding the journal can be addressed to the Editor at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Feb 11 2006 - 14:44:47 EST