CFP: MLA Literature and Science Division (3/15/06; MLA '06)

full name / name of organization: 
Martha Stoddard-Holmes
contact email: 

1. Sessions for 2005 meeting

Session 1: Peak Oil and Post-Prosperity: Discourses of Depletion
Organizer: Martha Stoddard Holmes
CFP: Papers on rhetorics and narratives of peak-/post-oil and energy
issues in geoscience, literature, film, cultural commentary:
neo-Malthusianism (the great die-off), neopastoralism, etc. Abstracts or
8-page papers and brief bio by March 15 to Martha Stoddard Holmes,

Session 2: Posthuman, All Too Posthuman
Organizer: Henry Turner
CFP: Papers on the "posthuman" in literature and science: networks,
systems, and assemblages; embodiment and prostheses; animals, nature,
and environment; posthuman futures, pasts, and presents; posthumanities
scholarship. Abstracts by March 15 to Henry Turner,

Session 3: Ciphernetics: Signs, Codes, Texts
Organizer: Arielle Saiber
CFP: Papers on any aspect of information technology, digital models,
encoding, decoding, semiotics, new paradigms of expression and
communication. Abstracts by March 15 to Arielle Saiber,

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Feb 11 2006 - 14:45:48 EST
