CFP: Crossing Borders: Women and Communities of Letters, 1500-1700 (11/1/06; SCSC, 10/26/06-10/29/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Julie Campbell
contact email: 

Apologies for cross-posting


Crossing Borders: Women and Communities of Letters, 1500-1700

We welcome submissions for a volume of essays that addresses issues
discussed in the two-part panel sessions called Crossing Borders: Learned
Women and Communities of Letters presented at the Sixteenth-Century Studies
Conference in 2005.

The goals of this volume are to examine ways in which women participated in
communities of letters, to explore how cultural, national, political, and/or
religious "borders" were crossed in such communities, and to consider ways
in which gender influenced the kinds of participation that occurred in such

We are especially interested in essays that consider one or more of these
general goals as they address such topics as the following:

--cross-cultural/transnational membership in communities of writers and
--perceptions of communities of writers and readers
--circles of women
--imagined or real literary circles, academies, coteries, and salons
--crossing gender borders in literary circles
--cross-cultural/transnational influences regarding material trends and
literary practices
--cross-cultural/transnational influences regarding genre and/or subject
--conflations of political and religious agendas, national and international
--relationships between women's book production and reception
--readerships of specific books or other texts
--editors with agendas
--manuscript circulation and/or editing and group authorship
--miscellanies and their relationships to specific groups
--intertextuality between works by women writers
--influence between women writers or between men and women writers

Essays should be double-spaced and should not exceed 35 pages or 8750 words,
including notes. Please use Chicago Manual of Style footnotes, following the
fifteenth edition. Three hard copies plus one electronic copy should be sent

Julie Campbell
Associate Professor
Department of English
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920-3099

Deadline for submission is November 1, 2006
Please address queries to Julie Campbell,, Gabriella
Scarlata Eschrich,, or Anne Larsen,

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Feb 18 2006 - 09:58:38 EST