CFP: Passages (Bangladesh) (3/15/06; 4/15/06-4/16/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Rebecca Sultana

*International Seminar*

*Call for Papers*

* *

In our teaching situation, undoubtedly a central concern is our existence i=
between languages; teaching English in our part of the world is to exist in
the interstices of two languages. It is a situation that causes stress and
anxiety and gives rise to paradoxes and differences, but it also induces
thought and is conducive to creativity. Hybridity, diasporas, or the
"chutnification of the language" are some of the consequences of being
between languages, and South Asian Writing in English, English language
teaching in Bangladesh, the language of officialdom, trade and commerce and
even of politics have all registered the traumas as well as the creative
frissons that characterized our linguistic and pedagogical situation.
Globalization has also led to the commodification of English; the pressure
to teach ELT and to develop English as a "service" subject has given rise t=
new tensions and new areas of concern in English departments.

Given such pressures, tensions, frissons, and tendencies what should Englis=
departments be like in the South Asian region in the new millennium? What
bridges should they build to reconcile conflicting claims and tide over
differences between different language systems and discursive pressures? It
is to come to some answers to these question that we intend to organize a
one-and-a-half day seminar this April (15-16) to focus on the implications
of existing between languages in literary, language, and cultural studies
and of living at a key juncture in the history of English studies pedagogy
in the region. We thus invite papers on the following topics:

Hybridity, Diaspora and English Studies in South Asia =20
and English Studies

The chutnification of the English Language in the Subcontinent The
Commodification of English

English as a "Service" Subject
The Globalization of ELT

Teaching Language through Literature =20
Language in Literature

Technology and Academic Practice in the English Department Reading
English, Reading Culture

*PRESENTATION FORMAT* =B7 Papers (20 mins)
=B7 Demonstrations (30 mins)

*Abstract should be 200 words long and should contain the following*:

=B7 Name, affiliation, fax, e-mail address & telephone no.

=B7 Sub-theme

=B7 Title and Abstract content

=B7 50-word Biodata of Presenter(s)

=B7 Format of Presentation

=B7 Equipment required



April 15-16, 2006


East West University, 43 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212

Submission of abstract

March 15, 2006

Notification of acceptance

March 21, 2006

Submission of full papers for inclusion in proceedings

April 7, 2006

Address for sending abstracts

Dr. Fakrul Alam, Professor & Dean

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

and Chair, Department of English

East West University, 43 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

E-mail:, Fax : 880-2-8812336

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Feb 18 2006 - 09:59:25 EST
