CFP: Poetry and Poetics (3/15/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)
Call for papers: Poetry and Poetics
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference 2006
Standing panel: Poetry and Poetics
November 10-11, 2006
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California
Submission deadline: March 15, 2006
Paper proposals are requested for a panel that addresses any aspect of
poetry and/or poetics. Of particular interest are papers that address
any of the following:
--The role of the poet/poetry in the 21st century
--Poetry and poetics in the era of multi-national capitalism.
--Poetry and consumer culture
--Poetry/poetics/the poet in the marketplace
All other topics are also welcome.
Please e-mail abstracts of 250-500 words (inline text; please no
attachments) or questions to Richard Hishmeh:
For more information, visit the PAMLA website at
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Feb 18 2006 - 09:59:31 EST