CFP: Translation and Canadian Culture (Spain) (5/15/06; 11/17/06-11/18/06)
CENTURY (conference of the Spanish Association of Canadian Studies)
November 17-18, 2006
Residencia La Cristalera - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)
Pilar Somacarrera (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Javier Ortiz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Translation in Canada remains politically and socially charged. As
Jean-François Joly points out, the history of translation is closely linked
to the history of Canada, a country in which this activity has played a
crucial role. In Canada translation has been traditionally a tool of
cultural conquest as well as an intercultural bridge, because of the
country's permanent preoccupation with identity and the problems of
colonialism, bilingualism, nationalism and cultural heritage. At the same
time, the connections between translation and migration are obvious: as Anne
Malena observes in her introduction to the issue of the journal TTR
dedicated to "Translation and (Im)migration", migrants are translated
beings, as they remove themselves from their familiar source environment and
move toward a target culture. Homi Bhabha has gone so far as to coin the
term translational culture to refer to all those migrants and hybridised
identities he finds characteristic of the postmodern world. Translation is
itself a "migratory" activity insomuch as it implies a cultural transfer
from one language to another. In addition to looking at translation within
Canada, this panel would also like to explore the projection the country has
achieved through the translation of its literature into other languages
different from French and English. From being "haunted by [its] lack of
ghosts", in Earle Birney's words, Canadian literature has passed to "haunt"
our globalized world through the translations of Canadian literary texts
into many world languages. Among other aspects, this panel proposes to
explore the spreading of Canadian literary culture through translation in
the context of the globalization of markets and culture. We welcome
contributions about the following topics:
• The translation of Canadian literature into world languages: which
Canadian writers are translated, why, how and by whom?
• The reception of translated Canadian literature in Spain.
• The reception of translated Spanish literature in Canada.
• Translating into English or into French in Canada: similarities and
• Translated literature as intercultural bridge: theory and practice
• Translation as frontier literature in Canada.
• The role of translation in the development of the Canadian literary
• The role of translation in Canadian institutions.
• Cultures and languages in contact: translation in multicultural and
multilingual countries: the Canadian case.
• Migrations and translation in Canada.
• Canadian criticism on gender and translation.
1. All paper proposals will be electronically submitted to the chair
person(s) of the chosen Theme Panel with a copy to the Organizing Committee
of the Conference (
2. The evaluation of the paper proposals and the communication with their
authors will be carried by the chairperson(s) of each Theme Panel.
3. The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 15th May 2006. After that
date, the chairpersons will send the Organizing Committee a list of the
papers accepted to their Panels.
4. Each paper proposal should include the following items: a) name, academic
institution and e-mail of the paper author; b) Title and abstract of the
paper (500 words max.)
5 Every Theme Panel, in order to be maintained, must include at least three
papers. Each speaker will have 20 minutes for presentation
6. After receiving the final list of papers, the Organizing Committee is
allowed to propose the aggregation of Panels according to their thematic
affinity for academic or organizational reasons
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Feb 18 2006 - 09:59:31 EST