UPDATE: Eudora Welty Delta Wedding Series (4/15/06; 7/10/06)

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Eudora Welty: Delta Wedding Series

Rodopi Press Amsterdam / Atlanta announces a new series of literary studies
under the general editorship of Michael J. Meyer. The series will offer new
and experienced scholars the opportunity to present alternative readings and
approaches to classic texts. (Emerging scholars will be defined by the
following criteria: MA ABD or recent PHD, Instructor, lecturer or Asst Prof
status , publications limited to
articles in journals and monographs and / or chapter studies; individuals who
have 6 years or less from the awarding of a doctoral degree. Experienced
scholars will demonstrate the following: teach at the Associate Prof level or
above, have at least 7 years experience from the awarding of the PHD, be
published in book length studies, and/or be considered to be an authority or
well-known commentator on the title or author.) We are still accepting
proposals for the upcoming series on Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding

To date, the series contains eight essays. We have additional space for two to
four essays. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

Use of a child as narrative lens
Role of place in Delta Wedding
Treatment and perception of outsiders
Delta Wedding as a 'southern' novel
Domesticity, marriage, spinsterhood
Shifting narrator

No previously published essays please. If you are interested, please submit a
proposal by April 15. If your proposal is accepted, complete articles of 15-20
pages in length will be due July 10 in order to meet the publisher's
deadline. Please email (documents as attachments) or mail a proposal and vita
to Rbouton_at_selu.edu
Reine Dugas Bouton
Southeastern Louisiana University
40 Beverly Garden Dr.
Metairie, LA 70001
Reine Dugas Bouton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, English
Southeastern Louisiana University

Reine Dugas Bouton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, English
Southeastern Louisiana University

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Feb 20 2006 - 19:28:36 EST