CFP: Second Language Writing Across Contexts (6/30/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Jessie Kapper
contact email: 

Call for Papers-Building Bridges: Second Language Writing Across

This CFP is posted online at:

We invite contributions for an edited collection, _Building Bridges:
Second Language Writing Across Contexts_, which attempts to close
existing gaps in international conversations among second language
writing scholars in elementary and secondary schools, two-year colleges,
post-secondary institutions, and community programs. Much current
scholarship on second language writing comes out of post-secondary
institutions in the United States. This volume attempts to build bridges
between this context and other sites of second language writing
research, theory, and pedagogy.

We anticipate contributions to five major sections:
-Exploring Boundaries: Disciplinary Realms for Second Language Writing
-Understanding Contexts: The Current Status of Second Language Writing
-Posing Questions: Sites of Inquiry in Second Language Writing
-Supporting Collaboration: Projects that Cross Contextual Boundaries
-Identifying Resources: Annotated Bibliographies on Second Language
Writing in Context

Contributions might focus on, but are not limited to:
-The current status of second language writing pedagogies, research, or
theories in a specific context;
-Institutional locations of second language writing instruction and
research in relation to disciplinary boundaries;
-What second language writing scholars would like to learn from their
colleagues working in other contexts;
-Underrepresented sites of second language writing scholarship;
-Questions developing out of teaching or researching second language
writing in a specific context;
-Reports of in-progress or completed research that crosses contextual
boundaries for second language writing;
-Reports of in-progress or completed projects that reflect
collaborations among scholars working in different contexts; or
-Suggestions for initiating and supporting collaborations among scholars
working in different contexts.
All contributions should be accessible to readers who are new to the
field of second language writing or who primarily work in a related
field. Given the volume's focus on contexts, authors also should include
descriptions of their own institutional contexts.

We request that submissions not exceed 20 manuscript pages (including a
list of references, tables and figures, and appendices). Please follow
the manuscript preparation guidelines outlined in the 5th edition of the
APA Manual. We plan to send each manuscript out for external review to
help us assess its quality and to generate feedback for revision.

Please send submissions to Jessie Moore Kapper (
Microsoft Word (.doc) or rich text format (.rtf) files-by June 30, 2006.
Any questions also should be directed to

Jessie Moore Kapper, Elon University, and Elizabeth Patton, Purdue

This CFP is posted online at:

Jessie Moore Kapper
Assistant Professor, Professional Writing and Rhetoric, TESOL
Professional Writing and Rhetoric Coordinator
Department of English
Elon University
2192 Campus Box
Elon, NC 27244
Professional Writing and Rhetoric Concentration:
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Feb 24 2006 - 11:27:06 EST