UPDATE: Research-Pedagogy-History (3/6/06; Gender Across Borders, 4/21/06-4/22/06)

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A Spain
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Call For Papers: Research - Pedagogy - History

Accepted Panel
Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects
Friday & Saturday, April 21 & 22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Extended Deadline for Abstracts: March 6, 2006

The relationship between feminist pedagogy and the institutionalization of Women's Studies
has been bound to localized histories and activism, including but not limited to liberation
projects coalescing around race, class, ethnicity and sexuality as well as gender. Yet these
histories are often forgotten, and the genealogies of contemporary classroom practices and
the effects of those practices often go unexplored. This panel seeks to foreground the
histories of critical pedagogies informing the work of scholars, activists and students, both
past and present.

We're similarly interested in the explicit consideration of pedagogical criteria employing
concepts that have undergone severe critical scrutiny: empowerment, the subject,
consciousness raising, etc. and how they continue to function as the foundations for our
research, of our teaching methods, as well as the goals of our pedagogical strategies.
Unfounded claims to unity or the totality of the subject aside, these concepts are still
operative; we'd like this panel to consider the productive contradictions and tensions
between our field research, preferred theoretical perspectives and classroom practices.
Topics may include but are not limited to:

--History of Women's Studies in relation to feminist pedagogy;
--Feminist pedagogy and field research
--Oral histories and narratives of institutionalization
--Researchers' own experiences as feminist subjects
--Field research questions & subjects
--Criteria for evaluating the success or failures of critical pedagogies
--Interviewers, interviewees and the process of collecting data
--From theory to field research and back

Panel Organizer: Voichita Nachescu nachescu_at_buffalo.edu.
Moderator (proposed): Greg Dimitriadis.

Keynote Speakers: Bhanu Kapil, Naropa University
Molly Carnes (Wisconsin-Madison), Co-Director of Wiseli's Women in Science & Engineering
Leadership Institute.

Please submit abstracts (300 word limit) and a brief bio (200 word limit) online at
genderbuffalo.org. Or, send the abstract as an embedded text to adspain_at_buffalo.edu and
nachescu_at_buffalo.edu. No attachments please.

Deadline for Abstracts: March 6, 2006

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Feb 24 2006 - 11:27:45 EST
