CFP: Decoding Literature in Conflict (grad) (Spain) (3/31/06; 6/9/06)
Decoding Literature in Conflict
Graduate Conference
Saint Louis University, Madrid, Spain
June 9, 2006
Sometimes violent, sometimes passive, literature not only relates conflict,
but also creates it. At Saint Louis University Madrid's 4th-annual graduate
conference, we invite our peers to consider "Decoding Conflict in
Literature." From the nuclear family to nuclear warfare, the Spanish Civil
War to colonial unrest, writers dealing with conflict in literature require
and demand their readers' attention and response.
Topics of the conference to include:
. National Identity: Development of national identity, considering
struggles between local, national, and economic forces as well as historical
and social contexts.
. Resistance and Obligation: How do we respond as readers to literary
depictions of conflict; how does literature respond to itself and function
within the framework of resistance and obligation?
. Power and Oppression: Probing the dialectic between oppressor and
oppressed, including issues of gender and the disenfranchised.
. Textual Representations of Conflict: How does truth function in
literature of conflict?
. Cross Cultural Experiences in Conflict: Examining the position of
non-natives within conflict.
Proposals are invited for 15-minute presentations. Please submit 300-word
abstracts (no full papers) and a short bio to Michelle Cowan, Jessica
Nastal, and Sara Poe at Deadline for proposals is
31 March.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Feb 27 2006 - 12:19:15 EST