CFP: Sixteenth Annual Pacific Southwest Women's Studies Association Conference (3/8/06; 4/22/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Bilger, Audrey

Sixteenth Annual Pacific Southwest Womens Studies Association Conference:

Students and Teachers Working Together

Confronting Unnatural Disasters: Feminist Engagements Across and Within Borders


April 22, 2006 - Occidental College, Los Angeles

Call for Proposals

In the last year, the world has experienced "natural" disasters of horrific proportions

-- the Asian tsunami, hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean regions,

mudslides in Central America, and an earthquake in Pakistan. The enormity of

these disasters and the devastation that has resulted from connected human failings

is borne out disproportionately along gender, race, and class lines. Such disasters

and their consequences are also intricately connected in various ways with

"unnatural disasters," such as the war on Iraq, the ravaging of the environment, the

defunding of social support systems, and attacks on civil rights and liberties. This

conference will focus on exploring the interconnections of such disasters and their

consequences, the ways in which their deadly effects are both exacerbated by

injustices and contribute to further injustices. We are particularly interested in

research that focuses on the politics of engagement, of activist work in

communities to transform institutions and practices, and the possibilities for

positive social change that will move us toward a more just, disaster-free world.

We solicit proposals from students (undergraduate and graduate), faculty members,

community activists, and independent scholars for workshops, panels, roundtable

discussions, individual presentations, artistic and multimedia presentations,

performances, and practical applications. Possible topics and areas include but are

not limited to: body politics; war and militarism; empire and globalization in all its

forms; religious fundamentalism; femicide and the AIDS pandemic; reproductive

rights; sexualities; environmental degradation; poverty; the prison industrial

complex; displacement and violence; issues of immigrants and refugees; and

welfare reform. We encourage proposals for presentations on the conference theme,

however proposals dealing with all areas of feminist research are welcomed.


Proposals should be submitted via e-mail, preferably as Word attachments, to:


Proposals must include: Title; abstract (100 word maximum ); contact persons name, address, e-mail, and phone number; presenter name(s) with academic and/or community affiliation; format (e.g., workshop, panel, roundtable discussion, artistic presentation, or performance), and audio/visual equipment requirements. (Equipment requests must be included with original proposal.)


Proposal Deadline: March 8, 2006. For more information, visit <> or contact Deborah Mindry at or (323)259 2524.



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Received on Mon Feb 27 2006 - 12:18:45 EST