CFP: E/Im/Migration and Culture (Turkey) (10/1/06; 9/15/07-9/17/07)

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Call for Papers

E/Im/Migration and Culture
15-17 September 2007
Isýk University, Sile (Istanbul, Turkey)

Fourth Cultural Studies Conference
co-organized by the
Cultural Studies Association (Turkey) and the
Department of International Relations of Isýk University

The Cultural Studies Association of Turkey and Isýk University invite proposals
for an international cultural studies conference entitled “E/Im/Migration
and Culture” they are co-organizing on 15-17 September 2007 in Sile
(Istanbul, Turkey). Seeking to explore the topic from a wide range of scholarly
viewpoints by focusing on issues of migration in its multiple relationships with
various facets of culture, the inter/multidisciplinary conference aims to
interrogate established notions of migration both in Turkey and outside of
Turkey. We welcome proposals for papers that break new ground in generating
theory, or constitute innovative critical or comparative work that would lead to
theoretical formulations and methodology, as well as for papers on specific
cases. The conference intends to examine issues of migration in Turkey, among
the peoples in the lands of the former Ottoman empire, among the Euro-Turks (and
Turkish-Americans, Australasian Turks, etc.), among the Turcophone peoples in
countries and regions in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (in Central
Asia, the Caucasus, and the Russian Federation) and those Turcophone minorities
in such countries as Iran and China.

The story of migration is as old as the history of humankind. Factors such as
geographic conditions, economic necessities, socio-political developments and
wars have led to population movements for centuries. Whether for refuge or as
exile, whether voluntary or forced, migration has always affected both society
and the individual; and altered both the land that was left behind and the land
that was reached. A phenomenon of modern times, the nation-state as hegemonic
entity contributed to these migration flows through bordering and re-bordering
processes that put visible and invisible boundaries on people’s movements.
Additional factors leading to current population flows are observed to be
primarily the challenge(s) of globalization and transnationalism.

Migration within and out of countries continue in great numbers as more and more
people in our global village look to either temporary or permanent migration as
a path to freedom, the right to live, security, employment, health and
education—while sometimes also encountering drama and tragedy along the
way. E/im/migration has generated its own art, fiction and cinema. Thus, it has
continued to be a force in culture, demography, economy and politics in the
contemporary era, and constitutes, in its various aspects, a matter of paramount
importance for the cultures of Turks and Turkey. This reflection has led us to
select the topic of migration as the theme of the fourth cultural studies
conference to take place in Turkey.

We welcome submissions related to e/im/migration including, but not limited to,
the following:

- E/im/migration and culture: Theoretical approaches
- Art /Literature /Cinema generated by e/im/migration
- E/im/migration and urban space
- E/im/migration during the Republican era
- E/im/migration during the Ottoman era
- E/im/migration and the (former) Soviet Union territories
- Cultural representation of e/im/migration resulting from political
developments: The cases of Western Thrace and the Balkans
- Cultural representation of e/im/migration resulting from political
developments: The case of Cyprus
- Cultural representation of e/im/migration resulting from political
developments: The case of Irak
- Cultural representation of e/im/migration resulting from political
developments: The case of Jews and Palestinians

As the conference takes place in Turkey and takes up the cultures of Turks and
Turkey, the working language of the conference is first of all Turkish. However,
since experience has shown that non-Turkish speaking colleagues doing studies
related to the cultures of Turks and Turkey also wish to contribute, there will
be English-language sessions as well. Abstracts of 100-200 words, containing
five key words, should be sent along a brief curriculum vita. Panel proposals
with three to five papers should include, besides the panel proposal and five
key words, abstracts of the papers in the panel, and brief curriculum vitae of
the chair, presenters, and discussant(s) if any. Poster presentation proposals
containing noteworthy visual material are also welcome.

Send no later than 1 October 2006, by e-mail to, by fax
to +90 212 292 2229 (Attn.: IV. Cultural Studies Conference). For more
information, write to the same addresses or look at

The results will be announced on 1 February 2007.

The registration fee will be 60 Euro for Cultural Studies Association (Turkey)
members and students, and 100 Euro for all other participants until 1 May 2007;
and, after that date, 100 Euro for Cultural Studies Association (Turkey) members
and students, and 160 Euro for all other participants.

The conference organizing committee regrets that it cannot assist in travel or
accomodation fares in any way, but will provides low-cost accomodation for all
participants on the Isýk University campus (in Sile, a popular sea resort on the
Black Sea coast). Further details will be sent later. For information on Isýk
University, please look at

On behalf of the organizers

Sule Toktaþ Gönül Pultar
( (

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Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 11:44:58 EST