CFP: Flaherty and the Documentary Tradition (7/30/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)
2006 Film and History League Conference: "The Documentary Tradition"
8-12 November, 2006
Dolce Conference Center
Dallas, TX
AREA: Robert J. Flaherty
Traditionally considered to be documentary cinema=92s defining text,=A0
Robert J. Flaherty=92s Nanook of the North (1922) has both an iconic =
problematic status in contemporary studies of non-fiction film.=A0=A0=20
Flaherty himself has been a figure similarly revered and reviled in=20
equal measure for his genre-defying mixture of observational=20
documentation and romantic reconstruction. As a flashpoint for debates=20=
about documentary film ethics and ethnographic representation, as well=20=
as a key figure in any consideration of the polymorphous category of=20
non-fiction film, Flaherty remains as significant a figure to=20
documentary studies as he was to the historical development of the=20
form. We are inviting submissions on all aspects of the work of Robert=20=
Flaherty. Possible topoi include, but are not limited to:
=97Flaherty and Anthropological/Ethnographic Display.
=97The Ipsographic Imagination: Flaherty=92s Films of British, Irish and=20=
American Industry,
Agriculture and Labor
=97Territorializing the Real: Geography and Authenticity
=97Global Receptions and Revisions of Nanook
=97Hybrid Visions: Intersections of Fiction and Non-Fiction in the work=20=
of Flaherty and
His Collaborators
=97Between Commerce and Art: Flaherty and Material Culture
=97Resistant Vision: Flaherty in the Era of Synchronized Sound
=97Watching Flaherty through the =93Third Eye=94: Nanook, Moana and =
Boy in the
Postcolonial Frame.
=97Flaherty and Grierson: Developing the Documentary Form.
=97Constructing Paradise: Moana, Tabu and White Shadows of the South =
=97Observing from the Margins: Frances Flaherty as (Nearly) Silent =
=97Gender and Sexuality in Moana and Nanook
=97Romance and Destitution in America: The Land and Louisiana Story
=97Flaherty and Propaganda: =93Prelude to War=94
=97Considerations of Flaherty=92s non-directorial achievements (Flaherty =
cinematographer, screenwriter, editor and producer).
The Film and History League conference details, including a list of=20
other areas to be represented at the conference, can be found at:=20
The meeting will run from 8-12 November, 2006 in the Dolce Conference
Center near the DFW airport.=A0=A0 A spectrum of other areas will evolve =
the web site over time. This year=92s featured artists are D.A.=20
Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus and the conference speakers will be Betsy=20=
A. McLane and Raymond Fielding.
Send all inquiries and proposals (email preferred, please be sure=20
documents are MS Word-compatible) by July 20, 2006 to:
Dr. Jared F. Green
Stonehill College
320 Washington Street
Easton, MA 02357
Phone: 508/565-1711
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 11:44:22 EST