CFP: Visual Archives and Embodied Practice (4/15/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)
CFP: Visual Archives and Embodied Practice
This panel looks to the archive as a motivating device for intervention, rather
than as an inert repository of empirical data. In other words, we're interested
in discussing how archival research becomes embodied in practices, and would
like to reconsider the agents and institutions mediating these embodiments.
For the purposes of this panel, we understand the term "archive" to mean a
material space, collection or technical practice used to store and reproduce
cultural information. We are looking for papers focusing on 20th-century
creative producers' (e.g., critics, artists, novelists, directors, architects)
use of the visual as a means to get out of the archive, to intervene in the
"real world." Examples include but are not be limited to Siegfried Kracauer,
Wyndham Lewis, Alfred Döblin, Charlie Chaplin, H.D., Alfred Hitchcock, Samuel
Beckett, Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf.
We welcome proposals from all disciplinary and methodological
perspectives, and encourage interdisciplinary proposals. This panel is proposed
for the 2006 Modernist Studies Association conference, October 19-22 in Tulsa,
Please send 500 word abstracts to both Max Brzezinski and Bart Keeton at and by April 15, 2006.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 11:44:38 EST