UPDATE: Irish Studies (Spain) (3/1/06; 5/25/06-5/27/06)

full name / name of organization: 
VI AEDEI Conference
contact email: 

VI International Conference of The Spanish Association for Irish Studies
University of Valladolid (Spain)
25-27 May 2006

[Updated information: extended deadline (1 March 2006 ) and web page]

The theme of the 2006 AEDEI Conference is "Imaginary/Real Ireland". Few
places have been imagined and dreamed of as Ireland has. Ireland's
multi-faceted, shifting reality down through history can be viewed from a
variety of angles: the magical and visionary traditions, the nostalgic
Ireland(s) of the diasporic memory, the sense of bilocation derived from
 imagined/real frontiers, the post-colonial reversal of stereotypical roles
or the preference of story-telling to history. Where does the real Ireland
lie hidden in the new hybrid, multicultural Irish society, both north and
south of the Border? Is there a real Ireland at all? Contributions are
invited to explore these two separate yet intermixed levels of the real and
the imaginary in Ireland from an interdisciplinary point of view, involving
the social sciences, the media, the visual arts, music, history or literary
and film studies.

Official language: English is the official language of the Conference, but
papers in Spanish will also be accepted.
Length: Papers should not exceed 2,500-3,000 words / 20 minutes' delivery.
Publication: Complete texts must be submitted before the conference. Two
hard copies of your contribution -which must conform to the AEDEI style
sheet (http://aedei.en.eresmas.com/aedei1024/home.htm)- and a disk in Word
format should be sent to the address below. A selection of papers will be
considered for publication.

Please send your paper proposal (300-500 words) as a Word attachment to
aedei06_at_fyl.uva.es by 1 March 2006. For more information, visit the
conference webpage: http://www4.uva.es/fil_inglesa/AEDEI06/Frontpage.html

Maria Jose Carrera
VI International Conference of AEDEI
Departamento de Filologia Inglesa
Fac. Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Valladolid
Plaza del Campus s/n
47011 Valladolid
Fax: +34 983 423774 Tel.: +34 983 423000 # 6746

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Thu Mar 02 2006 - 11:45:14 EST
