CFP: Publish and/or Perish (3/31/06; ALSC, 10/13/06-10/15/06)
2006 ALSC Conference, San Francisco, California, October 13-15 2006
The Association of Literary Scholars and Critics (ALSC) invites proposals
for papers and presentations to be considered for its twelfth annual
conference to be held at the Hotel Sir Francis Drake in San Francisco,
October 13-15, 2006. The conference program includes six panels and three
seminars. A description of one of these nine session topics appears below,
along with an e-mail address and other contact information for submissions.
Please bear in mind that there will be many more submissions than can be
accepted, and that the criteria may include not only the merit of the
individual submission but the range and variety of a session's
contributions. The pleasure of the chairs is to see how much stimulating and
valuable work is being done, the pain to be able to accommodate only part of
it in panel or seminar.
For a complete listing of session topics and information about how to join
the ALSC, visit our website at
Submission form and deadline. Abstracts no longer than a paragraph or half a
page must reach the chair of the session by March 31. Except as explicitly
stipulated otherwise below, they should be submitted only by e-mail, to both
(1) the chair of the panel or seminar and (2) the Association's office at On the e-mail's Subject line please give your name and other
information in the form, "ALSC 2006, [Name of Panel] abstract by [Your
Publish and/or Perish, Editors and Authors
Chair: Sarah Spence (University of Georgia)
This panel will consider the part of publication in professional practice
and academic advancement, and other questions of importance to writers and
scholar-critics. How do editorial strategies differ in a specialized journal
or publishing house from a more general-interest or commercial publishing
house? What is the role of editorial boards and editorial consultants? In
what ways and to what extent does online publishing, both formal and in
blogs and chat rooms, figure now, and how will it in the future, for better
and for worse? On these and other questions, please send abstracts to Maria
Fitzgerald, Creative Writing Program, Department of English, 207 Lind Hall,
207 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0134. (
Michael Gouin-Hart
Executive Director
Association of Literary Scholars and Critics (ALSC)
650 Beacon Street, Suite 510
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Phone: 617-358-1990 / Fax: 617-358-1995
Email: / Internet:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Mar 04 2006 - 15:03:30 EST