UPDATE: EEBO and Early Modern Studies (4/21/06; RSA, 3/22/07-3/24/07)
We inadvertently made an error in our original CFP, and so, here is the
corrected version. As always, we apologize for cross-listing.
CALL FOR PAPERS: EEBO and Early Modern Studies
Since 1998, Early English Books Online (EEBO) has given scholars and
students 'instant access' to over 125,000 sixteenth- and
seventeenth-century English books. Books in research libraries across the
world can now be read at any time and in any place; moreover, it reaches
readers who, because of their status or their geography, have traditionally
found it difficult to access these rare book collections. By bringing early
printed books into any library, into the academic office, into the
classroom, even into the home, EEBO has changed how scholars and students
study these texts.
But how much impact has EEBO had on research and on teaching? What have
scholars and students gained? What have they lost? How does EEBO fit with
the renewed attention to the materiality of the early modern text and the
increasing interest in the history of early printing and publishing? Just
how scholarly are the technologies and structures underlying EEBO? What kind
of relationship should there be between EEBO and academia? How should EEBO
Following on from a successful international conference on EEBO held in
Bath, UK, in September 2005, we invite proposals from scholars engaged in
any area of early modern studies (e.g., literature, philosophy, political
science, history, history of science, of medicine, etc.) for papers 10-15
minutes in length on the effect of EEBO on scholarship outlining personal
techniques or on methods and experiences of using EEBO as a teaching tool.
Please send proposals (max. 250 words), along with a brief biography and any
audio-visual requirements, to Tracey Hill (t.hill_at_bathspa.ac.uk), Ian Gadd
(i.gadd_at_bathspa.ac.uk) and Peter C. Herman (herman2_at_mail.sdsu.edu) by April
21st. Please note that in order to present a paper at the RSA Convention,
you must be a member of the RSA at the time of the convention.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Tue Mar 07 2006 - 18:23:03 EST