UPDATE: Fashioning Fiction (grad) (UK) (3/10/06; 5/27/06-5/28/06)
The organisers of the following conference are delighted to inform
prospective attendees that a publisher has expressed an interest in
releasing a collection of edited essays or proceedings from the
Fashioning Fiction conference. We also have organised a celidh in The
Queen's Hotel: http://www.queenshotelscotland.com/ . Please remember
that the closing date for abstracts is 10th March (deadline may be
extended). For further information visit
www.fashioningfiction.stir.ac.uk .
Fashioning Fiction (grad): University of Stirling (UK)
Abstract Deadline: 03/10/06
Conference Dates: 05/27/06 - 05/28/06
'What a strange power there is in clothing' - Isaac Bashevis Singer
Clothes serve more than a practical purpose; they communicate identity.
Our choice of clothing aligns us with cultural, religious and national
groups. Clothing enables us to perform gender, conceal and transform the
body, whilst facilitating our self-fashioning. From the monk to the
punk, clothes, and the way we wear them, provide us with a sense of
belonging and a feeling of individuality. The conference invites
proposals for papers lasting no longer than twenty minutes from
post-graduate students from all area of the Arts and Humanities. Papers
should focus on the representation of clothing and the adornment of the
body. Possible topics are listed below, although papers are free to
interpret the conference theme in any way they see fit.
Disguise and Concealment
Masks and Veils
Religious Dress and Ceremonial Clothing
Transformation and Self-Fashioning
Fetish Clothing, Corsetry and the Physical Manipulation through Clothing
Tattoos and Body Piercing Plastic Surgery and Prosthetics National Dress
Uniforms and Work Clothing Costume in Performance Studies Cross-Dressing
and Gender Constructions
Nudity and Eroticism
The deadline for abstracts is the 10th of March 2006, and we would ask
that the abstract is approximately 250-300 words, and is sent by email
to Amy Palko, Kerstin Pfeiffer, and Elizabeth Andrews at
We can confirm that our plenary speakers are Dr Catherine Spooner from
the University of Lancaster who has published _Fashioning Gothic Bodies_
for Manchester University Press, and Dr David Murphy from the University
of Stirling, who has published widely on African - particularly
Senegalese - culture, and on the relationship between Francophone and
Postcolonial Studies. More information on both plenary speakers, the
conference, and Stirling, can be found at
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