CFP: Literature in Times of Violence (India) (5/31/06; MELUS-India, 3/07)
(The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United =
States - India Chapter) =20
(The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the World)
will hold a conference on
in Chandigarh, tentative date: March 2007
This will be the Eighth International Conference of MELUS-INDIA and the =
Second International Conference of MELOW. The MELOW Conference will =
dove-tail into the MELUS-India Conference.=20
The major theme:=20
Out of the quarrels with ourselves, if we believe Yeats, literature is =
created. In fact it is not just the quarrel with ourselves but also the =
turbulence of the times that is responsible for the production of =
literature. These are times of upheaval and violence - when one is =
assaulted physically, emotionally and psychologically from all quarters. =
Despite the trauma, however, one survives and carries on the best way =
possible. Artists continue to produce works of art, musicians create =
music and writers compose their masterpieces. But, one may ask, how =
does literature respond to the legacy of mass violence and political =
conflict? Does the creative mind buckle under the pressures or does it =
rise above them all to create mournful music? And how does the reader =
respond to the various tensions that go into the making of great =
literature? What models are available for understanding these literary =
responses to the turbulence of the times? Do poetry, fiction, drama and =
film help us find words and images to understand national catastrophe? =
Can literature narrate mass violence? Does it try to escape violence? =
Can it be a substitute for violence? Is it a cure or a panacea?=20
The MELUS-India 2007 Conference will explore these and related issues, =
taking up diverse genres - literature, cinema, theatre, media, popular =
culture, etc. The focus will be American Literature but panel proposals =
which cross borders and disciplines are encouraged. 350-word PANEL =
PROPOSALS related to the theme are invited.=20
The MELOW 2007 Conference will explore the same issues, focusing on =
literatures of the world. 350-word PANEL PROPOSALS are invited, related =
to the literature of the last fifty years.=20
Instead of individual papers we are inviting proposals for panels at his =
point. Once panels have been finalized, the call for papers will be =
circulated and abstracts of paper will be invited. Paper proposals will =
be sent directly to the Panel proposer who will serve as the Organizer / =
Chair of the panels. He / She, in consultation with the Conference =
Committee (the Governing Body comprising office-bearers), will decide =
whether or not to accept the proposals submitted to the panels. Any =
proposals not accepted by panels will be forwarded to a general pool of =
proposals, from which additional panels may be formed. If there is a =
shortage of submissions to a panel, the Organizer will be invited to =
consider proposals from the general pool. If there are still not enough =
papers, the panel may be canceled or combined with another, at the =
discretion of the conference committee.=20
We are seeking panels that deal with issues related - but not confined - =
to race, ethnicity, identity, and gender, in literary texts, films, =
popular culture, media. Comparatist and interdisciplinary perspectives =
are encouraged.
All Panels will have 5 members: a Chair (the Organizer / Proposer), and =
three paper presentations, followed by a Discussant. A panel may not =
have more than two participants from the same institution. Each panel =
will be allotted approximately 90 minutes. The suggested division of =
time is five minutes for introductions, fifteen minutes for each paper =
presentation, ten minutes for commentary from the discussant, and thirty =
minutes for questions and answers from the audience.=20
Discussants will offer critical comments on each paper or on the papers =
as a group with an eye toward stimulating discussion. Accordingly, =
he/she should have read in advance all the papers to be presented in the =
Who is eligible to submit a panel proposal?=20
Members and non-members of MELUS-India / MELOW may submit panel =
proposals (with the understanding that they will attend the conference). =
Proposals will then be examined by the Panel Organizer and the =
Conference Committee. Those accepted will be circulated widely and =
individual papers will be invited. =20
Panel proposals may be submitted on any topic that relates to the themes =
of MELUS-India or MELOW (but not both). All Proposals should include =
the following information:=20
a.. Name and contact information of the panel organizer.=20
b.. Whether the panel is being proposed for MELUS-India or MELOW.=20
c.. Title of the panel and an explanation of the relevant area.=20
d.. Five key questions that will be addressed by the panel.=20
e.. Two short paragraphs describing the panel subject matter and the =
rationale for it.=20
f.. The above information should not exceed 350 words.
ABSTRACTS OF INDIVIDUAL PAPERS will be invited only when the Panels have =
been finalized. Tentatively, the call for individual papers will go out =
by early June 2006.
NOTE: Membership of MELUS-India / MELOW is not required at the time when =
panel proposals or individual papers are submitted. Non-members may join =
the Association after the acceptance of their panels / papers.=20
Panel proposers should state clearly whether their proposals are for =
MELUS-India (related to American Literature) or to MELOW (related to =
world literatures).
Deadline for all panel proposals is Sunday, April 30, 2006. Follow the =
instructions and email your panel proposal to not as an =
attachment but as part of the text message.=20
Send a copy to
Deadline (to be followed strictly):=20
Acceptance of Panel Proposals: May 31, 2006.
Future deadlines:
Abstracts of Individual papers (send to panel organizers): Sept 30, 2006
Acceptance of Individual abstracts to be dispatched by: Oct =
31, 2006.
Final list of Panels, paper presenters and their abstracts: =
November 30, 2006
Full papers and Delegate fee to come in by January 15, 2007
For any clarification contact:=20
Manju Jaidka (Secretary, MELUS-India, MELOW) Email:
Or Prof. Anil Raina (Treasurer) Email:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Mar 12 2006 - 18:18:05 EST