CFP: New Voices Graduate Conference (5/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)
New Voices Graduate Student Conference
September 28-30, 2006
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2006
New Voices on the Human Condition
Call for papers and special sessions
The New Voices Graduate Student Conference invites proposals that discuss the human condition. Papers can discuss the human condition as represented in particular works of art and literature and/or language. How have authors portrayed the condition of their fellow humans? How does the perception of the human condition change from century to century or from continent to continent? How has history or religion played a role in representing the human condition and what is this portrayal(s)? Papers can focus on all aspects of the human condition: social, physical, spiritual, and mental.
We welcome individual papers and session proposals.
We are looking for papers from the following disciplines:
English (literary studies, Rhet/Comp, Creative Writing)
Religious Studies
Modern/Classical Languages
Submission guidelines:
Please send a 250-300 word proposal. Creative writers need to send a few stanzas of a long poem, an entire short poem, or one page of prose.
With the proposal, please include the title, email address, and telephone number. Submit as a word attachment and email to (Kerri Allen).
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Mar 15 2006 - 08:28:51 EST