CFP: Old Text/Nu Txt: Writing for a Change (New Zealand) (5/1/06; 12/7/06-12/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Walpert, Bryan
contact email: 

Call For Papers

2006 Tertiary Writing Network Colloquium
Thursday and Friday, 7-8 December, 2006
Napier, New Zealand
The conference website may be found at

We invite those working and teaching in the fields of academic writing,
writing across the curriculum, ESOL, creative writing, and writing
support to submit a presentation proposal related to the theme: "Old
Text / Nu Txt: Writing for a Change."

Broad interpretations are warmly encouraged. Sample topics include (but
are not limited to):
        * The impact of new technologies on writing practice and
the teaching of writing
        * Journals and blogs in the classroom
        * OWLs
        * Hybrid and distance learning
        * Innovative teaching practices
        * Constructions and destructions in writing
        * Writing and the Internet
        * Plagiarism and authorship
        * New research findings on writing practice or writing

You may submit proposals for individual papers (of 20 minute duration)
or three-person panel discussions (of 60 minute duration).

Please use the Abstract Template on the TWN website (URL above) to
compose your submission. Submissions that do not adhere to the required
format will be returned.

Please send your 250 word abstract by May 1 as an attached Word file to
the email address of the appropriate person:

                Academic Writing -
                Learning Support -
                Creative Writing -
                Writing in English for speakers of other languages -

Please use as the subject line of your email "TWN CONFERENCE PROPOSAL"
Please include no identifying details in your abstract, but include full
contact details and institutional affiliation in the body of your email.
The proposal deadline is May 1, 2006

Email Elizabeth Gray at with any queries about the
conference, theme, or related issues.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Mar 15 2006 - 08:29:54 EST
