CFP: H. G. Wells: New Directions (6/16/06; 9/23/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Steve McLean

H. G. Wells: New Directions

The Annual H. G. Wells Society Conference 23 September 2006

Proposals for twenty minute papers, or for panels of 2-3 papers, are invited
for this year's Annual H. G. Wells Society Conference, to be held at
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Central London, on 23 September 2006. The
conference aims to reflect the current diversity of interest in Wells across
a range of disciplines, so proposals might focus on, but are not restricted
to, the following areas: Wells and Science (including the History and
Philosophy of Science); Wells and Utopianism; Wells and Political Theory;
Wells and the 1890s; Wells and the World State; Wells and Science Fiction
(and genre more generally); Wells and Women; Wells and the emergence of
Sociology; Wells and Religion; Wells and the Short Story.

Proposals of 300 words should be submitted, via email attachment, no later
than June 16 2006. Please include a brief biographical note, and send
proposals with 'New Directions' as the subject, to the Society's secretary,
Dr Steven McLean, at the following address:

Further information about the conference and the H. G. Wells Society can be
obtained at:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Mar 18 2006 - 13:39:11 EST