CFP: Second International Doris Lessing Conference (UK) (8/31/06; 7/7/07-7/9/07)

full name / name of organization: 
Julie Cairnie
contact email: 

CFP: Second International Doris Lessing Conference (08/31/06;07/07/07-09/07/07)
Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom

Doris Lessing is a writer who, in her early career, concentrated on Africa
and African politics then subsequently turned toward England, feminism, and
speculative fiction. This panel will explore Lessing's continued engagement
with African politics from "The Grass Is Singing" and "Going Home" to "Under
My Skin" and "African Laughter," as well as her more recent

Submit one-page abstracts by August 31, 2006 to:

Julie Cairnie
Assistant Professor
School of English and Theatre Studies
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 2W1

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Received on Sat Mar 18 2006 - 13:37:49 EST