CFP: The South (5/1/06; PCAS/ACAS, 10/5/06-10/7/06)

full name / name of organization: 
McDonald, Rob
contact email: 

The American South


Popular Culture Association in the South / American Culture Association
in the South

October 5-7, 2006

Marriott Savannah Riverfront

Savannah, Georgia


Proposals are welcome for individual presentations or entire sessions
(traditional presentations, roundtables, or other configurations) on any
aspect of the American South for the 2006 PCAS/ACAS joint conference in


While all topics and approaches will be considered, we are especially
interested in scholarly proposals in the following areas:


Art - including "outsider" art

Literature - including popular writing



Media Studies - including film, television, and print media


Individual or group creative performances-including readings of poetry
or prose or discussions of other creative work-are also welcome.


For individual presentations: Send the proposal title, an abstract of
150 words, and any request for audio-visual equipment (VCR/monitor, DVD
player, overhead projector, or slide projector only). Be sure to
include both a professional and home contact address. Individual papers
are limited to a maximum reading time of 20 minutes.


For entire sessions: Send a title and 50-word description of the
session, a title and an abstract of 100 words for each presentation, and
any request for audio-visual equipment (VCR/monitor, DVD player,
overhead projector, or slide projector only). Be sure to include
professional as well as home contact addresses for each session
participant. Sessions are scheduled in 90-minute blocks.


Because we have had some difficulty recently with people who submit
proposals but then back out of attending the conference after the
program has been set, acceptance of any proposal will require a
commitment to attend the conference. You will be asked simply to
confirm that you have the resources to travel to the meeting in
Jacksonville and will, barring any unforeseen conflict, be present for
the session in which you are scheduled.


***If you submit your proposal to more than one area chair for
PCAS/ACAS, please indicate the double submission.


Covering a full spectrum of topics in popular and American culture,
PCAS/ACAS is the largest of the regional popular and American studies
associations, with a collegial and dedicated membership of nearly 400
scholars and interested others from across the nation. Membership in
the association includes subscriptions to our two journals, Studies in
American Culture and Studies in Popular Culture. For more information,
please visit our website:


Queries are welcome. Please send submissions electronically-in
Microsoft Word only, please-by May 1, 2006. =20


Robert L. McDonald <>=20

PCAS/ACAS Area Chair, "The American South"

Editor, Studies in American Culture

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Mar 18 2006 - 13:38:05 EST
