CFP: Everyday Empires: State, Security, Form (4/15/06; MSA, 10/19/06-10/22/06)
CFP: Everyday Empires: State, Security, Form. (4/15/06; MSA 10/19/06 =20=
=96 10/22/06)
This panel examines the points in "modernist" aesthetic production
where state power, imperial practice, and domestic life coincide.
In keeping with the emphasis of this year's conference on the
archive, we are especially interested in projects that draw upon
archival work or, alternatively, understand aesthetic form
itself as a kind of archive -- one that, in a Benjaminian way, might
register both political power and its utopian alternatives.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
-Formal articulations of power (Political and narrative sovereignty);
-Everyday life during the "event" of total war (Emergency powers,
Narratives from the Western Front, the "Phoney War", the Blitz);
-Aesthetic innovation and everyday life in the "colonial
metropolis" (Dublin, Cairo, Algiers, etc.);
-Literary treatments of imperial liberalism (Developmental
narratives, missionary tales at home and abroad);
-The imperial "outside" vs. the "inside" of state (International
law, "empty space," biopolitical empire);
-Gender and the state (Population management, reproductive
-Interwar travel narratives and autoethnographies (Orwell, Auden,
-British Documentary and the Politics of Everyday Life (Mass-
Observation, etc.);
-Aesthetics, liberalism, and public space (Fin-de-Si=E8cle Vienna,
-Poetics of Imperial Decline (Larkin, Heaney, Hill)
Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, nontraditional and/or
noncanonical texts equally so. This panel is proposed for the 2006
Modernist Studies Association conference, Oct 19-22, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Send 1-page abstract and a brief vita to Nathan K. Hensley
or Tommy Davis (, by April 15th.=
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 21 2006 - 14:14:27 EST