CFP: Investing in the Future: Marketing, Selling, and Buying Kinship (3/27/06; AAA '06)

full name / name of organization: 
Tiffany Romain
contact email: 

Investing in the Future: Marketing, Selling, and Buying Kinship

This panel is interested in looking at communities that pro-actively =20
and pragmatically defy the course of normative kinship through =20
creative (and often counter-cultural) economic arrangements. Much of =20
the impetus for engaging in the work of establishing unlikely kinship =20=

bonds is that these offer the possibility of investing in an entirely =20=

new kind of future than what would otherwise be considered possible. =20
These arrangements include, but are not limited to partnerships, =20
parenting, intentional communities, and other =E2=80=9Cchosen family=E2=80=
=9D =20
configurations. Specifically, we are interested in how people =20
literally market themselves =E2=80=93 in low- and high-tech ways =E2=80=93=
 to =20
potential future partners (and community) both around the corner and =20
across the globe, and through this process attempt to imagine and =20
manage future lives that are beyond tradition or convention. We are =20
interested in projects that advance further connections between =20
kinship redefinition vis-=C3=A0-vis economic arrangements and that =20
investigate kinship-making through deliberate and strategic =20
affinities and across geographies and/or temporalities.

Please send us a title, a 250-word abstract, and your academic =20
affiliations for consideration for a proposed panel for the 2006 =20
meeting of the AAA. Abstracts are due Monday, March 27th.

Please email materials to:

Teresa Pellinen-Ch=C3=A1vez:
Tiffany Romain:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 21 2006 - 15:15:06 EST
