CFP: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Capital (5/15/06; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Aaron Drucker
contact email: 

Claremont Graduate University is launching a peer-reviewed, online =20
Transdisciplinary Journal. Transdisciplinarity is the proactive =20
search for creative approaches to problem solving through the =20
cooperation of multiple disciplines. We want experts from various =20
disciplines to stimulate innovation by developing common ground, =20
facilitating the communication of concepts, methods, and ideas that =20
are being fostered in the academy as a means to elevate both a =20
national and international communication about transdisciplinary =20
constructs, methodologies, and theories.

The Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies is an on-line, academically =20
rigorous forum for theorists, practitioners, and researchers whose =20
work reflects a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach. The theme =20
of our first issue will be =93Capital.=94

Papers with a transdisciplinary focus, specifically written by more =20
than one scholar from multiple disciplines, will be considered for =20
publication in our inaugural issue. Those addressing our first issue =20=

theme of =93Capital=94 will be given priority. However, all =20
transdisciplinary papers will be considered.

Full papers along with an abstract of 500 words and a short C.V. for =20
each author should be submitted to Microsoft Word =20=

or PDF format only. 12pt., double-spaced type with standard notation =20=

(per your discipline).

Deadline for submission is 15 May 2006. Final papers Notification of =20=

acceptance will be sent by 01 September 2006.=

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 21 2006 - 14:14:47 EST