CFP: New Psychologies and the Moderns: Rethinking 20th Century Literary and Film Classics (8/31/06; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
John V. Knapp
contact email: 

                CALL FOR PAPERS

*New Psychologies and the Moderns: Rethinking 20th Century Literary
and Film Classics.*

For a book-length collection of essays, the co-editors seek literary or
filmic analyses of major twentieth Century literary and moving picture
works (fiction, poetry, drama, and films) -- in English or in translation
-- from the perspective of the newer psychologies developed as critical
tools during the last ten to fifteen years. These newer psychologies
include family systems theories, adaptive literary study (neo-Darwinian
psycho-biology), and human cognitive poetics. Our goal is to take a new
look at several 20th century literary works or films whose previous
psychoanalytically-oriented readings have seemingly exhausted anything
useful or new to say about them.

Papers of approximately 6,000 words or less should conform to MLA
style and display the writer's familiarity with any of the psychological
paradigmata mentioned above.

Please send abstracts and/queries by Aug 31, 2006 to the editors, and
completed essays by October 15, 2006

John V. Knapp Kenneth Womack
Professor, Head, Div. of Arts & Humanities
Department of English Penn State-Altoona
330 Reavis Hall 3000 Ivyside Park
Northern Illinois University Altoona, PA 16601
Dekalb, IL 60115 USA
(815) 753-6632 (814) 949-5750

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 28 2006 - 10:13:50 EST
