CFP: Peer Seminars, T. S. Eliot Society (7/1/06; 9/21/06-9/24/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Ben Lockerd
contact email: 

Peer Seminars on T. S. Eliot 1. Eliot and the London Scene, 1914-19392. =
Eliot in the Theatre This year the T. S. Eliot Society is offering two =
peer seminars at its annual meeting in St. Louis, 21*24 September 2006. =
Vincent Sherry will lead a seminar on "Eliot and the London Scene, =
1914-1939," in which participants are invited to consider the manifold =
ways in which Eliot interacted with the various cultures of London between =
the outbreak of the First World War and the beginning of the Second. The =
aim of the seminar is to project a composite picture of Eliot coming into =
his several roles as poet, critic, editor, and public intellectual in =
active exchange with the literary, political, and popular cultures of this =
particular locale, in this especially charged interval in history. =
Emphasis is expected to fall not only on the influence Eliot himself =
exerted on the London scene but on the impact a contemporary and developing=
 public culture in London had on his maturing oeuvre. Sarah Bay-Cheng will =
lead a seminar on "Eliot in the Theatre." This seminar invites papers =
focused on any aspect of Eliot's dramatic writing, with particular =
interest paid to his full-length plays and theatricality (either textual =
or performative) in his poetry. Possible topics may also include considerat=
ions of his theatrical collaborations, his plays as performance, the =
influence of popular theatre in his drama, and the role of adaptation in =
Eliot's dramatic writing. Professor Bay-Cheng is Assistant Professor of =
Theatre and Film Studies at the University at Buffalo/SUNY. She is the =
author of Mama Dada: Gertrude Stein's Avant-Garde Theater (Routlege 2004) =
and essays on modernist drama, poetic drama, and avant-garde theatre and =
film. She is currently editing an anthology of modernist poetic drama. =
Professor Sherry is Distinguished Professor of English at Villanova =
University. His publications include The Uncommon Tongue: The Poetry and =
Criticism of Geoffrey Hill (1987), Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical =
Modernism (1993), James Joyce: ULYSSES (1995, 2d ed. 2004), and The Great =
War and the Language of Modernism (2003). He has edited the Cambridge =
Companion to the Literature of the First World War (2005) and several =
volumes on post-Second World War British and Irish Poets for the Dictionary=
 of Literary Biography (1984, 1985). The seminars are open to the first 12 =
registrants (each); registration will close July 1st. Seminarians will =
submit 4-5 page position papers to Professor Bay-Cheng or Professor Sherry =
by e-mail, no later than September 1st. To sign up for a seminar, or to =
inquire, please email Michael Coyle (

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Received on Tue Mar 28 2006 - 09:30:42 EST
