CFP: Travel and Tourism (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/27/06-10/29/06)

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CFP: Travel and Tourism (6/15/06; MAPACA; 10/27-29/06)

The Mid-Atlantic Popular / American Culture Association (MAPACA) will
be holding its 17th Annual Conference in Philadelphia from October 26
to the 29th. This is a wide-ranging conference that usually features
over 90 panels and 270 presenters. For full information about the
conference, please go to

The conference features roughly 35 "areas," ranging from Architecture
to Television, from Shakespeare to Cartoons. We usually run 3 or 4
panels in the "Travel and Tourism" area, and I invite you to submit a

This panel encourages a wide range of presentations, papers, and
multi-media displays about travel and tourism. Please feel free to send
questions or notes to the chair at An abstract of
150-300 words would be due by June 15, 2006.

Since "travel writing" appears in so many forms--novels and
screenplays, fictions and non-fictions and meta-fictions, cartoons and
websites, journalism and photo essays, advertisements and guidebooks
and maps--please feel free to consider a very wide range of materials
and texts. These trips may take one anywhere from Disneyland to
Holocaust memorials, from the Walt Whitman house to the top of Everest,
 from Grand Tours to forbidden countries, from personal misadventures to
"trips of a lifetime". These travels often challenge our assumptions
about allegedly simple terms, such as tourist, traveler, map,
picturesque, vulgar, forbidden, exile, pilgrimage, exotic, border--and
many others. In particular, I would like to focus one or more of the
panels on "graphic travelogues," that is, travel narratives written in
the form of a graphic novel.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Mar 28 2006 - 09:31:13 EST
