UPDATE: Early Female Cultures (4/9/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Amanda Uvalle
contact email: 

  Submission Deadline: April 9, 2006
  Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference 2006
  November 10-11, 2006
  University of California, Riverside
  Riverside, California
  The Early Female Cultures panel of PAMLA seeks papers concerning societies in which women exercise a significant and powerful role. Presentations may reflect a broad area of interest from cultures earlier than the Greco-Roman patriarchy to later more contemporary societies.
  Please submit a 500-word proposal and a 50-word abstract to
  aduvalle_at_prodigy.net (in the body of your message, please no attachments) by April 9, 2006.
  For more information please visit the PAMLA website:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Mar 31 2006 - 07:09:53 EST