CFP: Authenticity (grad) (UK) (6/30/06; 9/14/06-9/15/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Joseph Maslen


Call for Papers

An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference

14-15 September 2006

A two-day conference at the University of Salford for postgraduate students of
the arts, media and social sciences to consider current and changing
perspectives on authenticity. The intention is to stimulate debate and generate
fresh understandings through interdisciplinary exchange. We welcome papers in
fields such as politics, philosophy, religions and theology, sociology,
psychology, literature, history, classics, visual and screen studies, and the
performing arts.

Possible themes include, but are not restricted to

- Agencies and Bodies of authenticity
- Models and Creations of authenticity
- Practices and Enactments of authenticity
- Mediations and Subversions of authenticity
- Images and Representations of authenticity
- Concepts and Theories of authenticity

Abstracts of 250 words are invited for contributions of 20 minutes. We aim to
provide a supportive and friendly environment where postgraduates can gain
experience in presenting their work and meet fellow researchers. The conference
also welcomes participants who do not wish to present.

Website for details and registration forms
Email for abstracts and information

Deadline for abstracts
30 June 2006

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Apr 04 2006 - 11:02:55 EDT